
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Abortion Coupons for Sunday Use Only

The abortion business is a big cash deal.  Most are paid for with cash and if the average cost is $300-$500 and you times that by the 50,000,000 that have been performed in the last 40 know why Planned Parenthood screams to protect that cash cow.


So just like other business, one abortion clinic in FL has issued coupons good for $50 off your next abortion...but its good ONLY on Sunday.  I guess murdering the unborn slows down a little bit on the Sabbath Day so the coupon might help to pick up business.

See the coupon here;

Oh yeah, the coupon is printable online....and the limit is only one per customer!

How much longer can the blood of 50,000,000 innocents call to their Creator for "Justice!"?  How much longer until this nation is judged for this blatant disregard for human life?

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