
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

U.S. Leads World in Internet Porn

Anyone with half a brain who has been alive for more than 40 years know that morality has tumbled in the last few decades.  Drunkenness, drugs, casually 'hooking up' for sex, divorce, open homosexuality, out of wedlock child birth and pornography literally spilling out of every all spells the end of our society as we have known it.

America has led the world these last decades in sending Christian charity and missionaries into all corners of the world....and now we are leading the world in something else a lot less God-honoring.

While there are a fair-share of descriptive statistics that show the USA is no longer the "Number 1" that so many believe it to be; Pando Daily put together the following infographic that reveals the Top Ten nations and Top Twenty states that serve up the most illicit content... and the winner is U-S-A! 66% of the pron hosted in the US comes from California and interestingly only 0.62% of all porn sites use the ".xxx" domain name. Of course, hard numbers are tough to come by, but as ExtremeTech illustrates, Xvideos - the largest porn site on the web - gets a stunning 4.4 billion page-views per month - 3x the size of CNN or ESPN. Ironically, the biggest difference is 'duration' - typical news sites are visited for 3 to 6 minutes; while the average time spent on a porn site is between 15 and 20 minutes... Overall, porn websites are estimated to receive a whopping 30% of total internet traffic around the world.

See the charts here;

Even our women are getting addicted to porn...and our men are getting extremely bored with their wives and girlfriends when they won't act like porn stars.

What God meant for the power of procreation (something He didn't give to the angels) and for building life-long intimacy between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN til death do them part....Satan has turned into a disgusting, home wrecking, mind numbing pervert festival....and USA is leading the way!

How long til God wipes California off the map....and then judges the rest of this nation?

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