
Friday, August 9, 2013

Central Banks Are a Great Delusion

We have asked for years now how it is possible that the masses of otherwise intelligent people can possibly believe that central banks can print money in any amount and yet have nothing to back it up

How long will they continue to believe that $trillions of zeros, created out of thin air, will always be valuable?

We don't know...but when it does come crashing will be a massive crash.

The current world-wide fixation and veneration of central banking is one of the greatest delusions and manias of all time. Their actions are becoming increasingly desperate and are causing growing tremors and dislocations. (See EVR issues of February, April and June 2013 for additional perspectives.) It is a sad spectacle.
Central bankers are now popularly considered to be the most powerful people in the world. They are seen as the magi of prosperity…the magical healers of all economic and financial problems…the monetary priests that can apparently issue indulgences for all past economic sins. Their actions are catalysts for major wealth transfers within societies. And, amazingly, they are not even elected officials. Yet, these individuals can bring national and global economies to complete ruin. Just why is so much trust put into these officials?
It is certainly not because of their successful track records. Far from it. All the same, it is not surprising that economists have attracted the faith and hopes of the masses. Mankind has been only too willing to be deluded and to accept great lies many times before. There are countless examples of this being the case. Thousands of years ago, the Bible had already noted that those who promote themselves as wise and knowing apart from God are fools that invariably lead people and societies astray.
In this Creation, the majority is rarely right. Just because the majority may believe in evolution or in the big bang theory has no bearing whatsoever on the truth. “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matthew 7:13). Moreover, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight” (1 Corinthians 3:19).
The actions of the world’s major central banks have gone past the point of no return. You must understand this. The recent reactions to the “tapering” comments illustrate this reality in spades. In the space of less than two months, the entire banking system in the U.S. has lost all its unrealized gains on its holdings of government bonds. You can imagine how offside will be the balance sheets of the major central banks which are now incredibly leveraged, operating on a very small sliver of equity. It really amounts to a giant confidence scheme.
Yep!  What he refers to as a 'giant confidence scheme'...has another common name...a Ponzi scheme.
We saw what happened to Bernie Madoff's investors.  They lost it all!
We know that our whole financial system has to collapse in order to bring in a new ONE WORLD that the Antichrist will ultimately take control of.
So for now, all we can do is continue to lay up our treasure in heaven and be busy about the Lord's work....because one day, just about every body's savings are going to go up in smoke.

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