
Friday, August 9, 2013

Dolphins Are Dying

Hi all!  Sorry for the lack of blogging activity...but we are now back from Yellowstone safely so I should be able to get back on track.

First we had the bees dying off, then we had the massive fish kills, then we had the thousands of black birds falling from the we have the dolphins dying.

(Reuters) - Federal scientists investigating an unusually high number of dead bottlenose dolphins washing up on the East Coast said on Thursday the carcasses are showing up at a rate that is seven times higher than usual.

More than 120 dead animals have been discovered since June from New Jersey to Virginia, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service said.

Federal scientists have declared it an "unusual mortality event" and are investigating the cause, said Maggie Mooney-Seus of NOAA Fisheries.

A number of things can cause dolphins to strand, including harmful algal blooms, infectious viruses, injuries due to ship strikes, pollutants and human-made runoff, NOAA said.


For now we can't say that the death rate is the highest EVER...but 'seven times higher than usual' sounds pretty significant.

So today we will file this one under the category of....all creation groans.

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