
Monday, August 26, 2013

Foreshadowing the Big Fire Yet to Come?

By now you probably all have seen the top headlines about the wild fires burning in California.  The so called, "Rim Fire" is burning in Yosemite Park and is pretty close to making our list as the "biggest fire EVER" to burn in California.

I was just in Yellowstone a few weeks ago and attended a lecture by a park ranger whose topic was the wild fires of 1988 that burned 30% of Yellowstone.  It's simply amazing to see how GOOD the fire was for Yellowstone.  The trees burn away and give opportunity for grass to grow.  The elk, deer, and bison are literally treated to a smorgasbord of forage materials within weeks of the fire passing through.

So I'm not real worried about a bunch of trees burning down....that is just the natural cycle of forests.

However, this fire is threatening the water supply and the electric supply to San Francisco...a city that has a reputation of being one of the most decadent and GOD-SCOFFING cities in the country.  So it will be interesting to watch.

With scant cooperation from Mother Nature, fire crews waged a battle with few gains Sunday against the giant Rim Fire, which voraciously consumed dry brush and trees as it marched toward the Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite National Park.
As of Sunday evening, the fire had burned 224 square miles -- more than the area occupied together by San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and Campbell. It remained only 7 percent contained. Nearly 2,850 firefighters from the U.S. Forest Service, Cal Fire and numerous local agencies were battling California's largest wildfire. Southerly afternoon winds up to 20 miles per hour pushed the fire north, said Cal Fire Captain Mike Mohler.

Although the Rim Fire is more than 100 miles from the Bay Area, it still could threaten San Francisco's electric supply if it damages the power system originating in O'Shaughnessy Dam at Hetch Hetchy reservoir. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has been forced to shut down two of its three hydroelectric power stations near Hetch Hetchy, and Gov. Jerry Brown has extended a state of emergency to include San Francisco because the reservoir is a major source of electricity and water for the city.


The Bible clearly says that one day the entire earth will be destroyed with fire.  The first time God destroyed things with water but the next time he will use fire.

"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.  The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare."  2 Peter 3:10

As we watch fires raging out of control all over the Western makes one wonder if this is simply one more example of foreshadowing what is to come?  Mankind is in control of NOTHING...although we like to pretend and believe that we have everything under control.

How foolish we are.

As always, let's continue to pray for all those who are lost, that all these warnings that God is sending will NOT fall on deaf ears...that many will see the warnings and repent and turn from their wicked ways so that they may be healed by Jesus Christ.


  1. So, are all these so-called natural disasters a "means of grace"? Unbelievers are somehow supposed to be able to see a big fire and know to repent of their sins? I thought faith came by hearing through the word of Christ (Romans 10:14-17)?

    Without the proclamation of the true gospel of Jesus Christ, all the disasters in the world will never give unbelievers the means to grace (salvation).

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    of course there are many that NO MATTER WHAT happens they will not repent. Why? I have no idea. That will most likely be a question that will be revealed FARTHER the words to that famous hymn ask the same questions.

    Here is what I do know from personal experience...there are LOTS of people around us that are wondering WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON. How many times can you see headlines proclaiming the biggest fire, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, fish kill, and all the other strange signs going on and start to wonder, "What is going on with this world?" Many people will point to global warming, but some people around you might ask YOU AND ME, as they are truly concerned and at that time every believer is supposed to have an answer for our hope and faith in Jesus Christ. Romans says that God reveals himself through nature so that NO MAN will have an excuse. So yes, I would concur with you that disasters won't give people a MEANS TO GRACE but it certainly will wake up many of us to get off our sleepy church pews and help the Lord of the Harvest. "The harvest is at hand and the workers are few."

    Also I believe that Christ and the apostles gave us all these signs so that we would understand the season we are in and so won't be surprised at the coming of our Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4-5.

    Jesus said there will be wars, rumors of war, famine, pestilence, race against race, violence, strange signs in the sky and that when we see all these things beginning to happen then we will know that our Lord is close. Also we keep our eyes on a barometer of the weather (so to speak) that is coming.

    Does that make sense?
