
Monday, August 26, 2013

15 Signs Obama's Going to War in Syria

The Muslim world is in a tail spin.  It seems Satan has released his demons of war and now the Syrians are releasing nerve gas on their citizens....causing little kids to tremble, foam at the mouth and gasp for air before they die a miserable death.

The call has gone out from the world, "What are we going to do to stop the carnage?"  And of course an even louder call goes out from the world, "What is the USA going to do to lead the world in stopping the carnage?"

What can we do?  Give bullets to Al Qaeda and a bunch of other Muslim terrorists in Syria who are Allah-bent on overthrowing they can make one more radical Muslim state right next to Israel?

Or should we support Assad who is a brutal dictator and also a "pathological liar"...according to Colin Powell?

Well, here are 15 signs that Obama has already made up his mind to go to war in Syria.

The Obama administration seems absolutely determined to help radical Islamic jihadists that have beheaded Christians, that have massacred entire Christian villages, and that have pledged loyalty to al-Qaeda topple the Assad regime and take over Syria.  Yes, the Assad regime is horrible, but if these jihadist lunatics take control it will destabilize the entire region, make the prospect of a major regional war much more probable, and plunge the entire nation of Syria into a complete and utter nightmare.  It has been estimated that somewhere around 100,000 people have already been killed in the civil war in Syria, and now it looks like the U.S. military and the rest of NATO plan to become directly involved in the conflict.  The Obama administration is actually considering an attack on Syria even though the American people are overwhelmingly against it, Obama does not have Congressional approval to start a war, and he will never get approval for military action from the UN because it will be blocked by Russia.  This is setting up to become a colossal foreign policy disaster for the United States.

A potential war with Syria has been brought to the forefront because of a chemical weapons attack near Damascus last week that killed as many as 1,400 people.  The Obama administration and several other western nations are blaming this attack on the Assad regime.

But others are pointing out that it would make absolutely no sense for the Assad regime to do such a thing.  They appear to be winning the civil war, and Assad knows that Obama has previously said that the use of chemical weapons in Syria would be a "red line" for the United States.

So why would the Assad regime launch a brutal chemical weapons attack against women and children just miles from where UN inspectors were staying?

Why would Assad risk war with the United States and the rest of NATO?

Assad would have to be extremely stupid or extremely suicidal to do such a thing.

#1 Syria has agreed to allow UN officials to inspect the site of the recent chemical weapons attack that killed up to 1,400 people, but a "senior U.S. official" says that such an inspection would be "too late to be credible".

#2 According to ABC News, the White House is saying that there is "very little doubt" that the Assad regime was behind the deadly chemical weapons attack last week.

#3 Four U.S. warships with ballistic missiles are moving into position in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. If the command is given, they will be able to rain Tomahawk cruise missiles down on targets inside Syria within minutes...

See the rest here;

Hmmmm.....WMD's and making a case for another war in the Middle East.....what the heck are all the Obama supporters going to do when Obama starts acting like George Bush...whom the liberals HATED WITH A VENGEANCE?

For us Bible readers, we just watch with amazement because we KNOW that God alone sets up and tears down kings and kingdoms.  God's will WILL be done.  His WORD will go forth.

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