
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Syria and Iran Issue Explicit Warnings if USA Attacks

Again, I am sorry for the slow down in blogging at this very important time....but I have a good excuse...we are in El Paso hanging out with my oldest boy before he deploys to Afghanistan.  So please be in prayer for him and his unit from Litchfield, MN over the coming months and pray that God will be with them and that they will all return home safely next July.

As one reader put it, "Things are certainly coming down to the wire in Syria!"

Yes they are!!  We most certainly could be hours, days or weeks away from our world being changed in a very big way.

And of course, Israel is at the center of it all...exactly as prophecy says they will be.

A senior Syrian official on Monday issued a first direct warning that if attacked, his country would retaliate against Israel. Khalaf Muftah, a senior Baath Party official who used to serve as Syria’s assistant information minister, said in a radio interview that Damascus would consider Israel “behind the [Western] aggression and [it] will therefore come under fire.”

“We have strategic weapons and we’re capable of responding,” he said. “Normally the strategic weapons are aimed at Israel.”

Muftah concluded with a warning that “If the US or Israel make the mistake of taking advantage of the chemical issue… the region will go up in flames… that will affect security not only in the region but across the world.”

His words were echoed by Iranian officials, who on Monday shrugged off the threat of a US attack on its close ally Syria, but said that if such a strike were to take place, Israel would suffer.
“[The Americans] are incapable of starting a new war in the region, because of their lacking economic capabilities and their lack of morale,” said Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the commander of the Republican Guards’ elite Basij force.
“No military attack will be waged against Syria,” said Hossein Sheikholeslam, a member of Iran’s Islamic Consultative Assembly. “Yet, if such an incident takes place, which is impossible, the Zionist regime will be the first victim of a military attack on Syria.”
Holy explicit warning!!  You can't get much clearer than that!!
The chess pieces of the VERY Last Days are being moved into position.
Even an atheist told me today, "If someone from Syria decides to push some chemicals into Israel and a few dozen Jews are killed by gas...Israel will literally flatten Damascus."
Isaiah 17 promises that one day Damascus will be are we going to see it?  Or are we listening for the trumpet call because Jesus is going to take us out of this world first?
I don't know.  I could make a case for either way.
Please continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  And also that many will be brought to the Lord as they witness the earth being shook from all sorts of different angles all at the same time.
Hat tip to Tom F.

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