
Friday, August 30, 2013

UK Rejects Syria Action While France Still Backs USA

As the war drums continue to beat in Syria, the UK has said they will not commit blood and or treasure to send any sort of message or consequence to Syria for using chemical weapons.

Any possibility of British involvement in a military campaign in Syria has been effectively ruled out after British lawmakers voted down the prospect in parliament, costing the US the nation’s closest ally in a potential strike.

By a 285 to 272 margin British MPs rejected the government’s motion to support in principle military action against Syria. A second vote was due to be held on committing to action following the report by United Nations weapons inspectors, who are currently investigating claims that President Bashar Assad used chemical weapons on civilians.

See that here; 

However, FRANCE is ready to side with the USA.

Mr Hollande (of France) said the UK vote, in which parliament rejected a government motion supporting the principle of military action, made no difference to France's position.

"Each country is sovereign to participate or not in an operation. That is valid for Britain as it is for France," he said.

He said that if the UN Security Council was unable to act, a coalition would form including the Arab League and European countries.

"But there are few countries which can have the capacity of enforcing any sanction through the appropriate measures," he said.

"France will be part of it. France is ready."


So now all we have to do is wait to see the results of the UN Weapons inspectors....who are due to leave Syria on Saturday.

The USA has already moved warships into the Mediterranean, off the coast of Syria, and I'm guessing they are just waiting to get the orders from President Obama and they will probably start shooting Cruise Missiles and taking out strategic targets.

So will this attack make things "better".....or will these missile strikes make the situation in Syria even worse?

No one knows.

Russia and China are warning us that it will make things worse.  Of course their ally in Syria is Assad so certainly neither of them want to see him fall.

If I was a betting man, I would say it will make things worse.  I could see a scenario where shooting Cruise Missiles into Syria would be like throwing gasoline on a fire.  I think all it's going to do is provoke Assad and possibly get him to do even more heinous things.

Of course NOT doing anything to punish the chemical use could also make things worse that the evil men with chemicals will then have a firm understanding that they can continue to use chemicals and expect NO REACTION from the civilized world....except STRONGLY WORDED letters....oooooooo!....scary.....not another strongly worded letter!!

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