
Friday, August 30, 2013

"Thank You Lord, For Abortion Rights"

People continue to go insane.  On what universe would anyone believe that the Creator of life itself would be the provider and approver of ripping little babies out of their mother's wombs?

Well, I guess it may be in one universe called Iowa.

Iowa Democrat gubernatorial candidates Jack Hatch and Tyler Olson joined 50 pro-abortion activists in an extended prayer for abortion rights during a rally at the State Capitol on Wednesday. The noon event was meant to fire-up liberals prior to an afternoon hearing across the street conducted by the Iowa Board of Medicine regarding tele-med abortions.
They made the unusual decision, for Democrats, to begin the event with a prayer. This was likely in response to a prayer vigil being conducted by pro-life activists at the same time nearby.
Des Moines activist Midge Slater took the podium and spent five and a half minutes thanking God for abortion rights, abortion doctors and taxpayer funding for abortions. She also referred to the decision to have an abortion as “a blessing”.
Slater, an activist who has ties to both labor and women’s right groups, delivered a number of notable highlights. Praising “the blessing of choice,” she went on to thank God for abortion doctors and to appeal that the Lord ensure elected officials continue to afford women the right to terminate.
“We give thanks, oh Lord, for the doctors, both current and future, who provide quality abortion care…,” Slater said. “We pray for our elected officials, that they will always support a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions.”
The blood of over 50,000,000 little babies is crying out for justice....and here we have a woman thanking God for the opportunity to keep that death train going.

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