
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It Was the Jews Who Put Egypt into Chaos

Egypt is burning.  The military has thrown out the elected President of Egypt who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  They have arrested hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood members and just this morning arrested their #1 spiritual advisor.  The military claimed he was inciting violence.

But forget all of this...because you know who is REALLY causing the chaos in Egypt??


"Israel is behind the coup in Egypt, we have evidence,” Erdogan was quoted as saying in the Turkish daily Today’s Zaman on Tuesday.


Wouldn't it be refreshing to one day read an article that said, "Sweden is behind the coup in Egypt, we have evidence!" 

And then the world could all say, "Those damn Swedes!  Why are they so wealthy, so arrogant and so in control of everything?"

How come the Norwegians aren't persecuted in EVERY COUNTRY they go to?  They are smart, wealthy and good looking.

You and I know why....because GOD chose the Jews!!  And because this world is currently run by Satan...he hates the Jews more than anyone else.  So every time a follower of Allah sees something bad going on in the Muslim world, he can't possibly point to the stupidity of Islam as the cause of their poverty, perversion and chaos....they have to point at the Jews!


  1. You say that “this world is currently run by Satan” …can you please elaborate?

    Is there anything outside of God’s control on planet earth? If yes, yikes, God is not sovereign which therefore makes all people who hold this view atheists. If no, would you say Satan is in some sense bound since he can only do what God permits (like in Job, Satan couldn’t touch Job without God’s permission)? Does God ordain all things that come to pass?

    Perhaps this is a better view of Satan and his power…

    ...So then, what does Paul mean when he describes Satan as “the god of this world,” actually, “of this age”? (2 Cor. 4:4). To hear some people tell it, this verse teaches that Satan has all power and authority in this dispensation and in the locale of planet earth. Where God is the God of heaven and of the age to come, Satan is the god of this world and this present evil age. This dualistic view of the universe may be part of Greek philosophy, but it has no place in biblical theology.

    “Scripture frequently uses the term god, not in regard of the dignity that is so designated, but of the weakness of those in subjection to it; as when he calls mammon lord and belly god: but the belly is neither therefore God nor mammon Lord, save only of those who bow themselves to them.”

    When the church makes Satan the “god of this age,” it has fallen for one of the devil’s schemes–giving him a lot more credit and power than he deserves. He is quite satisfied in having anyone believe one of his lies.

    1 John 3:8: “…The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” Note this is the First Advent, not the yet future Second Advent.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    I have an idea that we are on the same page and probably are not that far apart on what we understand about Satan and the earthly kingdoms that seem to be coming apart under the weight of the world groans for Jesus to come and take his place on the throne.

    Remember when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the Gulf War kicked him out after the Coalition soundly defeated him? What did he do as he was pulling his troops out of Kuwait? He practiced a "scorched earth" policy and they lit all the oil wells on fire and destroyed as much stuff as they could...even though they had lost the war.

    In the same way, Satan has lost the war and Jesus has soundly defeated him and NOTHING can snatch us out of the hand of Christ. However, Satan is trying to scorch the earth and destroy everything he can as the nearness of Christ draws near.

    1 John 5:19 clearly says this; "We know that we are children of God,a nd that the WHOLE WORLD is under the control of the evil one."

    Of course God is sovereign and Satan does NOTHING without God allowing.

    As we look at little children gassed in Syria and choking on their own vomit before they die, and as we watch thousands of kids die of starvation and millions of kids around the world being sexually abused and sold into the hands of abusive certainly would appear that Satan is practicing a scorched earth policy as Christ gets ready to take his throne for 1000 years...and then the lion will lay down with the lamb and the children will play with poisounous snakes and sin will be met with the iron rod of Christ in that age.

    Even so...Come Lord Jesus.
