
Monday, August 19, 2013

The Mess in Egypt

Where do we start in explaining the mess in Egypt?

Well, they are one of the players mentioned in the Last it shouldn't surprise us to see their foundations be shaken.

How many people have the military murdered?  The reports are now in the hundreds.

Were these "good people" that the military murdered?  Were they "innocent" people?

I have heard reports that government snipers have been targeting children with their that seems pretty harsh, but remember that mostly the people being killed are supporters/members of the Muslim Brotherhood...and one doesn't have to read too much about that terrorist organization to realize that maybe those folks are simply reaping what they have sown?

I'm guessing that Egypt is going to start to descend into the same type of civil war that Syria is experiencing.

So who are the "good guys" in this mess?  I'm not sure there really are any.

Here is one article that speaks of folks being shot by the military...and what they are doing on their free time when they aren't protesting with the Muslim Brotherhood.

A mob marched nuns through the battle-torn streets of Cairo ‘like prisoners of war’ in the latest outrage against Egypt’s Christian minority.

Sister Manal, principal of a Franciscan school in suburban Cairo, watched for six hours as a mob looted the building, knocked the cross off the gate and replaced it with a black banner resembling the flag of Al Qaeda.

The classrooms were then burned to the ground and the women taken away, attracting a crowd of abusive onlookers.

Police told Sister Manal that the nuns had been targeted by hardline Islamists, convinced that they had given Muslim children an inappropriate education.

‘We are nuns. We rely on God and the angels to protect us,’ she said. ‘At the end, they paraded us like prisoners of war and hurled abuse at us as they led us from one alley to another without telling us where they were taking us.’

Siblings Wardah and Bedour, two Christian women employed by the school, also found themselves having to fight their way through the mob while being groped, hit and insulted by the extremists. 
So far two Christians have been killed since the military-backed government moved against protesters calling for former president Mohamed Morsi’s reinstatement.
And dozens of churches, homes and businesses owned by Christians have been attacked and razed to the ground.


So what is America going to do?  Who are we going to support?  Are we going to send bullets to the Egyptian military so they can use them to shoot kids on the streets of Cairo?

Or are we going to support democracy...even when the Egyptians vote to elect a known terrorist organization that seeks the destruction of Israel and America?

Simply more evidence that the world is heading for a big showdown.  Something big is going to happen. 

As Christians we need to stay busy with kingdom work and continue to listen for the trumpet.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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