
Friday, September 6, 2013

All You Wanted to Know About Syria But Were Afraid to Ask

It is being reported, by our elected representatives, that the overwhelming majority of their constituents are telling them to STAY OUT of Syria.

I always have to smile when I hear those things because I realize that the overwhelming majority of Americans couldn't find Syria on a globe, have no idea what their religion is and I'm guessing the majority don't even know there is a war going on there.

"Hi, I'm from CBS News out on the street taking an informal you have a second?"


"Do you think we should go to war in Syria?"

"No way man...I hate war!  Make love, not war!"

"What would be some of your reasons that you would tell Obama to stay out of Syria?"

"What?  No way man, Obama would never go to war!!  I voted for him, ya know."

"Well, yes, in fact he is making a case for bombing Syria.  The bombs could actually start flying any day now."

"Crazy dude....I just hope if he does bomb Syria he doesn't hit Orlando...we were at Disneyworld last year and it rocked!!"

Of course I made that all up....but I'm guessing it may be a pretty accurate interview for many, many Americans.

So anyway, my brother sent me an article from the Washington Post with the title;
9 questions about Syria you were too embarrassed to ask

You should most certainly read that article here....then the next time you are at book club or Bible study or coffee at your can come off like a Syria expert!!

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