
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Isaiah 17 Prophecy Makes it to Time Magazine

You know we are living in strange times when Time Magazine decides to write an article about the destruction of Damascus mentioned in Isaiah 17. 

Also it should come as no surprise that they write the article to scoff at the idea that Isaiah's passage, written 2800 years ago, could have ANYTHING to do with events in Damascus today.

Yep, "The word of God is foolishness to those who are perishing."  They simply can't imagine that God could write a book outside of our dimension of time...a book that tells us how the end game on planet earth will play out.

Some Evangelicals See Biblical Prophecy In Syrian Crises

“See, Damascus will cease to be a city and will become a heap of ruins. Her towns will be deserted forever.”

That’s a prophetic passage from the Biblical book of Isaiah, chapter 17, and now some fundamentalist Christian blogs are buzzing with the belief that the escalating violence in Syria means the ancient text may soon be fulfilled. ”The long prophesied end days are here,” one blog announces.

“With the terrorist groups that operate out of Damascus building up arms caches on the border of Israel in anticipation of another war in the near future, it may not be long before this prophecy from Isaiah 17 becomes history,” another group awaiting Jesus Christ’s return predicts.


Nearly all Biblical scholars, however, argue that such a literalist interpretation of the text is highly problematic. The passage was written more than 2,500 years ago, and it condemns Jerusalem’s enemies around the time of the Assyrian invasion. The prophetic oracles, as that section of Isaiah is called, name not just Syria but numerous ancient nations, including Moab, Babylon, Egypt, and Tyre, that threatened the Jewish people at the time.

Walter Brueggemann, professor emeritus of Columbia Theological Seminary and an expert on the book of Isaiah, tells TIME the interpretation of Isaiah 17 as a reference to the current conflict is absurd. “You cannot read the Bible that way. It is an ancient poem about an ancient context,” he said. “If we are going to contemporize it with such an easy connection then we have to learn to read the text against the United States as well because the United States now plays the role of Babylon and all those ancient superpowers. We have to tread very gently about making such silly connections.”

A better interpretation of the passage, Bruggemann explains, would be that all nations are answerable to the God of justice, even  nations like Syria and Babylon. “No nation has high moral ground,” he says. “That is a bite against every exceptionalism, including American exceptionalism.”

Read more:

Oh my goodness!!....Time found Walter Brueggemann from Columbia Theological Seminary?  And he says you can't read the Bible literally but is really just a poem about an ancient story??

Shoot-golly-darn!!  And here all this time I've been reading the Bible to understand how the Age of Grace will end!!  And how the trumpet will blow!!  And how Christ will return to judge the nations!!  And how earth will have 1000 years of Christ on the throne!!  And how for all eternity we followers of Christ will be His bride!!

But now, all that is gone for me since Walter Brueggemann clearly told me that reading prophecy doesn't for tell the future....IT'S JUST A POEM!!

And what do I make about Time magazine saying, "...some fundamentalist Christian blogs are buzzing...."  Rats!!!  Maybe I have been totally wasting my time being a "fundamentalist Christian blogger"??  Maybe the Bible is just a story book and can have NO WAY of seeing into the future??  Maybe God isn't the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end??  Maybe I should quit taking the Word of God so seriously and learn how to have a little more pagan fun??   I mean really....if Walter from Columbia says it's just a book of poems...why have I been listening for the trumpet call of God for these past 7 years?

Friends, of course I am just being facetious.  If the Bible correctly foretold when, where and how Jesus was to be born and how he was to die and rise again and all that was written HUNDREDS OF YEARS BEFORE IT HAPPENED.....of course that same Bible will accurately tell us how Christ will return for us and how He will one day sit on the throne in Jerusalem.

The scoffers are everywhere...which is in itself a fulfillment of prophecy...and "as it was in the days of Noah", also seems to be evidenced by this article.  "Is God really going to send a flood?," they said in Noah's day, right before the flood came and took them all away.

"Come on! Damascus really going to be destroyed so completely that it will never be lived in again?", they asked in Time magazine yesterday.  MAYBE this means the destruction of Damascus is close?


  1. You said:

    Shoot-golly-darn!! And here all this time I've been reading the Bible to understand how the Age of Grace will end!! And how the trumpet will blow!! And how Christ will return to judge the nations!! And how earth will have 1000 years of Christ on the throne!! And how for all eternity we followers of Christ will be His bride!!

    I'm no fan of Bruggerman, or Ehrman, but there are people (including me) who don't believe what you said... Not that we don't believe in Jesus, we just believe most of this has already happened. AND the Thousand year reign is not in scripture. Rev 20:4 talks of PEOPLE reigning. I don't want an argument, I enjoy what you write, but sometimes the premillenial stuff is too much. I won't play Bible Bullets with you Dennis, but deeper scholarship will defang most of this... starting with the Rapture. I wish it were true. When I believed it I really did... but it's not.

  2. Hi Gene,
    hope you are wrong!

    What could be better than being changed in the twinkling of an eye into our immortal bodies and heading to the clouds to meet Jesus? Sounds awesome! That is the blessed hope!

    I also believe there will be 1000 years where we will rule and reign with Christ. It's what makes sense to me after disecting MANY different interpretaions by many different people and scholars. And for me its the only way to plug everything into scripture and make it all that is what I will hope for and listen for the trumpet!

    No argument needed. We just probably should not co-teach confirmation class or adult ed at the same church. (INSERT SMILEY FACE)

  3. Thanks for your comments, Gene . I too once believed in the (dispensational) premillennial rapture of the Church, until the Lord graciously “raptured” me out of it. You are correct, there are many people who trust solely in Jesus Christ for salvation yet don’t believe in Darby’s fabricated dispensational premillennialism (i.e. different salvation plans for Israel and the Church).

    Regarding the destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17, it’s worth noting that “heap of ruins” (17:1) is a literary phrase pertaining to God’s judgment upon a person and/or nation/persons. In fact, a simple review of Scripture reveals that this phrase is used many other places. In particular, note Jeremiah 9 when God says of his chosen, earthly Jerusalem, “I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins, a lair of jackals, and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation, without inhabitant.” This prophecy pertained to the Babylonian captivity, yet the city of Jerusalem and cities of Judah were not literally a pile of ruins for miles and miles, nor were they entirely uninhabited.

    The prophecy in Isaiah 17 has already been fulfilled. It pertained to a time when Syria and Israel made a confederacy against Judah. The “mighty river” that decimated them was the Assyrian Empire (Isaiah 8). King Ahaz was on the throne in Judah and II Kings 16 tells of the fulfillment. Damascus ceased to be a city when the people were taken captive and their King Rezin was slain.

    It’s really not that hard to interpret the Bible literally (as language).
