
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

America is Now Upside Down

How did all this weird stuff happen in America...and how did it all come so fast?  How were the liberal-loonies able to get crazy stuff implemented even though MOST Americans disagree with their lunacy?

In public schools throughout California, thanks to a brand new bill signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, boys can now use girls’ locker rooms and restrooms and play on their sports teams, as long as they feel more comfortable thinking of themselves as girls. Same thing with a girl who feels more emotionally comfortable thinking of herself as a boy; she now can use the boys’ restrooms, dress and undress in the boys’ locker room and play on their team.If that’s not bizarre, nothing is bizarre, and we should just retire the term from our dictionaries and save a tree.
The Fort Hood shooter, U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was finally convicted of his crimes by a military court and sentenced to death. Thank goodness. But let’s look at how the Obama administration dealt with the massacre for the past almost-four years. Hasan, who shouted “Allahu Akbar” before shooting 14 people to death (including an unborn baby) and wounding more than 30 others, openly admitted he was, is, and ever shall be, an Islamic jihad warrior. Yet the Obama administration refused to call what he did “terrorism,” categorizing it instead as “workplace violence.” Until his recent conviction, taxpayers continued to pay Hasan’s salary as a military psychiatrist of $80,000 a year (more than $278,000 since the Nov. 5, 2009, terror attack).But during the same period, the Obama administration refused to pay to have the remaining bullets removed from the back of a soldier who was shot multiple times by Hasan. In fact, the Army garnished the soldier’s pay when he sought counseling for PTSD after the attack. Likewise, the soldiers victimized by Hasan will not receive Purple Hearts or combat-related benefits intended for victims. When the families of soldiers shot by Hasan complained about all this, the Obama administration slapped a gag order on them.
  • Illegal aliens: Although their presence is hurting America’s economy, bankrupting border states, injecting many criminals and gangs into the population, permanently harming our culture, taking jobs away from Americans and threatening (once they get amnesty) to create a permanent Democrat voting majority, illegal aliens are rarely prosecuted and deported and, in fact, increasingly are being treated as a protected class! Meanwhile, those opposed to illegal immigration – which is still a crime – are maligned as bigoted, heartless, “anti-immigrant” and, of course, racist.

  • Psychiatric drugs: Antidepressant drugs like Prozac, Paxil and Effexor are given to tens of millions of Americans – in fact, 11 percent of everyone in the country over 12 years of age, according to the most recent stats from the CDC. Yet the most well-known side effect of these drugs is that they cause suicidal thoughts. Mind you, antidepressant-induced feelings of “suicidality” are not so-called “rare adverse events” (i.e., occurring in less than 1 in 1,000 people using the drug) – but rather, are serious side effects for the average user, warned about on a “black box warning label,” the FDA’s strongest possible warning, included on every antidepressant sold in America.Repeat: We are giving depressed people drugs that literally make them want to kill themselves.
  • Guns: Virtually all of the serious, scholarly research done for the past three decades on the relationship between firearms and crime shows that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens (especially concealed-carry handguns) results in less crime. And yet, there is a never-ending push to take firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens – to “stop the violence.”

  • Voter fraud: The “Department of Justice” is working overtime to block states from passing legislation requiring that voters identify themselves before voting. So, even though you need a photo ID to get on an airplane, cash a check, check out a library book or purchase Sudafed, the Obama DOJ now considers it discriminatory (and, of course, racist) to require people to identify themselves before exercising the most important civic right Americans have, which alone permits them to determine the direction and destiny of their country.

  • See it all, and more, here;

    So what do we do as we watch good being called evil and evil being called good?

    The author goes on to tell us;

    As George Orwell put it: “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
    For some of us, the pain and suffering of living life in Bizarro World finally awakens us to realize we’ve been rebelling against our Creator – that we’ve been tricked, and that now something else, with its own bizarre thoughts and feelings, has been “created” and is living through us, kind of like in “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” It’s called sin. It’s in us, but it’s not really us.

    There is a simple way out of this state: It’s called repentance. If we will only stop in our tracks and cease being so prideful and angry; if we will stop making excuses, blaming everyone else and justifying everything wrong with us; if we will just relax, take a deep breath and realize that something is seriously wrong with us, but that God can help us; if we will just find the courage, honesty and dignity not to freak out, but to face our sinfulness calmly, and to wordlessly ask God to help us, He will. It’s what He does.

    He will take us by the hand and lead us away from Bizarro World – which is just a comic-book term for the angry, rebellious, excuse-ridden, inverted, perverted realm most of us dwell in – and He will show us the way out.

    Once we get our feet firmly planted on His path, then everything that once seemed so important and fulfilling to us – when we were tangled up with and compulsively attracted to everything wrong – will just seem, well, bizarre.

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