
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why Syria? Why Now?

I just watched a video yesterday of a bunch of butchered civilians in Syria.  There is NO WAY to know for sure whether they are Christians, Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites or a combination....however, it was very clear that one of the victims they held up for the camera was a little girl.  The girl had her head cut off and they couldn't find the it was just a lifeless little body in a blue party dress, with little white socks and shiny black shoes.  She was probably on her way to school when some men got hold of her and cut her little head off while screaming, "Allah Akhbar!"

Really??  What kind of Satanic forces are at work here?  How many demons of war have been unleashed on Syria?  There must REALLY be something BIG worth fighting over in that poverty stricken place....wonder what it could be??

And even more the USA involved in fanning the flames of these demons of war??

You may be wondering if Syria poses a threat to the US. The answer is, like in Libya, no threat at all. It‘s the consequences of our intended military actions that pose the threat.  Don’t get bogged down in the simplistic, targeted propaganda of the various “news” outlets. Much larger agendas are in play: A convergence of plans and planning that are ultimately driven by Satan, for a single purpose.

It [the Beast] was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.   All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world” (Revelation 13:7-8).
What earthly faction wants to conquer God’s holy people? There are several to be sure, but one has emerged with a satanic fury. Who are God’s holy people? The Quran alternatively calls them “the people of the book” and “idolaters,” a reference to Jews and Christians. Oops, am I implicating the laughably self-labeled “peaceful” religion? I’ll let relentless Muslim barbarity and the very words of the Quran itself, speak on behalf of Islam.
When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way.  Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful” (Surah 9:5).
Convert or die; the same choice that Christians in Syria are getting; the same choice that the Antichrist will offer. US military action to punish the Syrian government for allegedly using chemical weapons is not the end-all goal of intervention there.
It’s just the excuse. It’s the start.
Syria is a high-level, meticulously planned intelligence operation. There would be no Syrian civil war without direct US/Saudi involvement there. All the blood that’s been shed, the five million people that have been displaced are on the US ledger. We provided the initial protesters, trained, imbedded and armed the terrorists, and continue to support them in every way possible, including supplying them with chemical weapons to kill civilians and then blame it on the Syrian government; all part of the master plan to get us involved.
Without ongoing US/Saudi military assistance to the terrorists, this war would be over in a week. Behold another textbook example of the Hegelian Dialectic in action, in which a crisis is manufactured, public perception is steered toward an outcry for a suggested and predetermined solution, followed by implementation of that solution. In this case, the solution is: war.
The problem for Barry, as it currently stands, is that there’s a lack of public outcry. Oh there’s political and media outcry, it’s just that the people aren’t buying it. Not this time.  Sorry, Bill O’Reilly. The spin doesn’t stop with you—it starts with you, for shame, Sir.
Silly sheeple… (Like your opinion have ever really mattered anyway.)
The Russians and others around the world know the truth and have stated it. Undeterred, President Barry and Secretary-of-State Kerry hold steadfastly to their lie and deny strategy. Speaking of the hypocrite Kerry. This unconscionable liar was on TV stating that chemical weapons have only been used three times in history: Hitler, Saddam Hussein and now Bashar Assad in Syria. Really? World War One saw widespread use of chemical weapons on all sides. But let’s stick to his most modern examples. Where did Saddam Hussein get the chemical weapons that he used on the Iranians in the Iraq-Iran War from 1980-1988?  Surprise, they came from the CIA. 
Friends, there is SO MUCH going on behind the scenes that we will NEVER know from watching FOX, CBS, CNN or NBC.  We also have no idea if the above article is all true or just one man's opinion who also doesn't know all the facts...but he certainly makes an interesting case.
But here is what we do know because the Bible says so:
John 16:2
They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.
Wow!  Do you see these Muslims saying "Allah Akhbar!" as they sever people's heads or execute someone?  Of course the media will tell you that Allah is the Arabic word for these folks butchering everyone really believe they are offering a service to God!
Ephesians 6
 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
So when we see these people doing heinous things to little kids and we watch the gas released on Syrian civilians but have NO IDEA who did it...we KNOW that the evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realms are involved.
1 John 5
19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
Yep, when the Bible says the "whole world" that certainly includes the USA and the shadowy powers that are currently pulling us along.
"But Dennis, we are a Christian nation!"
Really?  Would a Christian nation be the top producers and users of pornography?  Would a Christian nation rip 50,000,000 babies out of their mother's wombs and toss them in dumpsters?  Would a Christian nation bathe in crap-TV like 90% of the stuff we watch...all the while learning to be entertained by watching sin?  Would a Christian nation be almost totally illiterate when it comes to the Bible?  Would a Christian nation have elected Barack Obama when it became clear what "church" he belonged to?  Would a Christian nation be falling all over itself to legalize gay marriage and encourage perversion?
Something BIG is going on and it is very important that we all be in prayer against these dark forces and to hold up our leaders and pray that the fear of the Lord will give them wisdom.
Hat tip to Adam G.

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