
Friday, September 13, 2013

"Biblical" Flooding Hits Colorado

The National Weather Service said that the rain and flooding hitting Colorado is a "biblical" event.

LONGMONT, Colo. — As major flooding continued across Colorado, the National Guard was evacuating at least 500 people from Lyons, north of Denver, on Friday after the town was cut off by rising floodwaters.

Sheets of rain were falling as gray clouds rolled in from the Rockies to the west, and officials were bracing for more rain later in the day. The National Weather Service issued a flood warning for the area until Friday evening. The area already received about 15 inches of rain, according to the Weather Service, and additional rain may cause renewed flooding in areas where the water has receded.

Thousands of people were also urged to evacuate homes in Boulder and nearby Eldorado Springs and Longmont late Thursday. At least three people have been killed in the flash floods.
City officials sounded flood sirens in Boulder on Thursday night and asked residents of about 4,000 homes along Boulder Canyon to evacuate immediately. Another alert was sent to about 4,000 homes urging residents to move to upper floors of buildings if possible.
“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Ryan Corbett, 24, a student who was among the onlookers. “I’ve lived here for seven years. This is unreal.”
A few miles north, a 50-yard wide portion of Route 36 was submerged as a stream bed overflowed and coursed by at 1,000 cubic feet per second, said Anne Reid, a firefighter with the Lefthand Fire Protection District.       
“This is usually just a little stream that you wouldn’t even think to fish in,” Ms. Reid said.
The flooded highway has cut off residential areas for the foreseeable future, sweeping up whole willow and cottonwood trees as if they were twigs. John and Billie Brumder, who live across from the Crestview Estates neighborhood, said they were awakened at about 1:30 a.m. Thursday by the frightening sound of large rocks being dragged along the creek bed.
“When I heard that, I knew it was a big deal,” he said. “I knew we had to get out of there.”
They were awoken by the sound of huge boulders being dragged down the creek.....
People, the power of water is simply incomprehensible!  When has there EVER been 15 inches of rain on Colorado during one storm?? 
Of course humans have only been there observing things for a few hundred years...but still.
Now imagine the water receding back into the underground springs and rushing back into the oceans when the flood of Noah was finished.  If 10 inches of rain can wash huge boulders away and take out roads...just imagine what thousands of feet-deep flood waters could do as it starts washing around!!
Do you think it could carve out some massive canyons??
Are all these events wake up calls?  Is this just one more example of the birth pangs?
Are you excited to meet your Messiah...or are you frightened that He is coming?
As Dr. Jeremiah says, "I can judge folk's spiritual maturity by HOW they answer that question."

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