
Friday, September 13, 2013

Jersey Shore Destroyed Again

This morning I turned on CBS News and saw that a massive fire had destroyed large parts of the Jersey Shore. 

Please remember that it was first destroyed last fall by a massive hurricane called Sandy.

The CBS reporter said, "First it was destroyed by water, now it's been destroyed by fire."

As I heard him say that I thought of the passage in 2 Peter;

2 Peter 3:3-7

Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

Hmmm....first by water and next will be fire.  Could that all be a coincidence that Jersey Shore was destroyed by water and then as soon as it was rebuilt it was destroyed by fire?

ASBURY PARK, N.J. — Had a bully of a storm not cold-cocked this mythic corner of the Jersey Shore just 319 days ago, the breathtaking fire that chewed up a chunk of the boardwalk through Seaside Park and Seaside Heights on Thursday would still have been disastrous.

But the timing and context of it gave this fire an extra, emotional dimension for those who witnessed it, whether at the scene, on TV or over the Internet. The Jet Star coaster may have been removed months ago, but the trauma of Superstorm Sandy still lingers. It somehow made the smoke that much blacker, the losses of businesses and jobs that much greater, the still-unfolding story of the fire that much sadder.

"It's horrible. Why is God doing this to us again?" asked a distraught Connie Hawkins, a Sandy victim from the Ortley Beach section of Toms River, who rushed to the scene after spotting the smoke while she was at the bank, depositing her FEMA check, no less.

"How much more can we take?"

Was this really happening? The borough of Seaside Heights, which raced the calendar to finish the extreme makeover of its storm-damaged boardwalk in time for Memorial Day, had scheduled a bonfire on the beach this weekend to celebrate its centennial.

The festival is called "New Heights," but this is a new low.

Some said they feared that the fire might turn out to be even more damaging than Sandy.

"The hurricane took out some of the boardwalk. It was salvageable," said Sherry Jacoby of Seaside Park. "You ain't salvaging nothing from this."


I have never been to the Jersey Shore, but I know there is a VERY decadent show that has been playing for years on cable called Jersey Shore.  The show is about a bunch of single twenty-somethings who get hammered drunk on the Jersey Shore and then all see who they can have sex with that night.  Of course it has enjoyed some of the highest ratings on MTV as the teen audience can't get enough of the sex, partying and drama that the show glorifies.

Also it is interesting that the festival planned was called "New Heights"....and I think of how the people of the ancient world all got together to build a tower into the heights of heaven.  Of course we know that is the tower was called "Babel"....and we know that God came down from heaven and put a stop to that.

I'm not saying that God destroyed the Jersey Shore...but you can make up your own minds about the biggest hurricane EVER destroying the place and then as soon as it was got destroyed again.

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