
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Condoms and Syringes Are a "Constitutional Right"

By now, we are all well aware that our colleges have become places to indoctrinate our kids into the liberal agenda.  When you read of the great histories of Harvard and Yale and remember that they were once Christian places educating our youth in a biblical is staggering and disheartening to realize how far they have fallen.

So let's now go and check in to see what some of our brightest college kids were saying as they marched on Washington to protest the state of affairs.

Some students attending Wednesday’s March on Washington said condoms, clean syringes, and a job after college are among the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
“Not a privilege. It [a job after college] is a right. It’s not a driver’s license. It is a right,” one individual, speaking to college news website Campus Reform, said.
“Everyone has the right to a job,” another said. “I don’t care if you’re college, high school, you dropped out, or whatever.”
One individual even declared that free condoms and clean syringes are constitutional rights.
Campus Reform noted that other “rights” cited by attendees included the right to smoke marijuana and access the Internet for free.
Oh yes and having a car and free Internet and a job following college is also a RIGHT of every American!!
The liberal/atheistic worldview has gotten hold of almost all our campuses....even the "Christian" campuses now have LGBT clubs and we all know that drunkenness, drugs and casual sex are every bit as common on those nice Lutheran, Methodist and Covenant campuses as they are at the secular universities.  (I have no stats for this....just personal stories from those attending)
Hitler knew that if he could control the minds of the youth, he could eventually control everything.
When you listen to these kids...ask yourselves WHO you think they are voting for?  How many voted for Obama?
Of course the answer is that they will vote for whatever party promises them the most FREE STUFF!!
People, this problem WILL NOT BE SOLVED by Republicans or is a SIN PROBLEM!!  The U.S. populace is suffering from a famine of the Word of God!!!
This shouldn't surprise us as this is EXACTLY what happens before nations fall.
For any of you that haven't read it, I would recommend a short book by Erwin Lutzer titled, WHEN A NATION FORGETS GOD.
We are engaged in a spiritual battle here and it won't be won at the voting booths but can only be won by prayer.
Lord have mercy.

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