
Monday, September 2, 2013

The Strange Trumpet Sounds From the Sky Are Back

We aren't sure if the sounds ever left...but we hadn't seen any headlines or reports on them for over a year, and now, today, we stumbled across this one.

If these recorded noises are true, it is very eerie indeed.

This video is like a real-life horror movie.

Kimberly Wookey of Terrace, British Columbia, woke up early Thursday morning to a loud, strange trumpet-like sound. She'd heard the sounds before, back in June, so she grabbed her camera and recorded it. This time, she said, the noises were more intense. Her 7-year-old son was already in the living room -- he had heard the sounds and was scared, she said.

Wookey recorded the bizarre moaning noises from her living room and then posted them online, where she saw other reports of people who'd heard similar noises. One resident thought someone was dragging a dumpster and the lack of wind that day allowed the sound to carry through the valley. However, Wookey's video appears to show a quite a bit of wind.

Here is the article and link: 

I have listened to dozens of these eerie sounds coming from the sky since people started posting videos in 2012.  It does sound like the earth is groaning.  Could this be just one more warning from God telling people to "wake up"?

Or maybe it is all just a coincidence and the noises are really being made by vibrations in the wind?

You decide.

Romans 8:22
"We know that he whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time."

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of the terrible sounds resulting from my feeble attempts to blow the shofar at the Rosh Hashanah party!
