
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

German and French Intelligence Says it Was Assad

Who gassed who in Syria? 

The Iranians are saying they have evidence that it was the rebels who mishandled Sarin gas sent to them by the Saudis and it resulted in 1500 deaths.

August 30, 2013 - Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack - Militants tell AP reporter they mishandled Saudi-supplied chemical weapons, causing accident
Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press journalist Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

See that here;

The Germans are saying it was the Syrian government who gassed the civilians, including over 400 little kids.

The German intelligence agency has enough evidence in its possession to conclude President Bashar Assad ordered the suspected chemical attack in Syria, Germany’s Der Spiegel reports, quoting the results of a secret security briefing.

The BND’s President Gerhard Schindler voiced his support for US allegations Syrian President Bashar al-Assad‘s government ordered the attack on the eastern Damascus suburb of Ghouta on August 21, Der Spiegel reported Monday.
The intelligence agency’s chief said that following a thorough analysis his ministry assumes that the regime is the perpetrator of the chemical attack which killed hundreds of people.  

See that here; 

France also says it was the Syrian government who was responsible.

Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad carried out a "massive and coordinated" chemical attack on August 21, according to a declassified French intelligence report.

The nine-page document, released on Monday, lays out five points that suggest Assad was behind the attacks in suburbs of the capital, Damascus. 

The AFP news agency quoted the report as saying: "The Syrian regime launched an attack on some suburbs of Damascus held by units of the opposition, combining conventional means with the massive use of chemical agents."

"We believe the Syrian opposition does not have the capacity to carry out an operation of such magnitude with chemical agents," it said.

See that here;

Sarah Palin says we should let Allah figure this whole mess out and that the USA should not get involved in trying to step in between this sectarian bloodbath from hell.

So what is a war-weary, bankrupt, in-decline super power like the USA supposed to do?

On the one hand, if we let despots break international law without any consequences...we will send a loud signal to all the other despots and Muslim extremists of the world that they can do anything that they want...and then we will really be inviting a mess.  (FULL SPEED AHEAD FOR IRANIAN NUKES!!  THE USA WILL DO NOTHING!!)

On the other hand, if we go into Syria and start bombing them to kingdom come...we could be starting WWIII and unintentionally helping Al Qaeda by throwing out Assad and ushering a smoother path for them to take power in another Middle East country.

Here is what I do know;  Obama climbed a tree (by announcing 'Red lines') and now he can't figure out how to get down.  America is appearing weak and the Muslim extremists can smell our weakness from a mile away...and it will only serve to embolden them.

America is the ONLY country on earth who has the capabilities of launching an attack on Syria.  The other nations who might side with us can only send a few sailors and some bullets but have no nuclear powered aircraft carriers, destroyers and battleships to carry out an attack.

So again, we find the world looking at America and saying, "What are you going to do?"

It really does make me wonder if we are in the final countdown to all hell breaking loose on earth.

Look up, for your redemption is nigh.

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