
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Colorado Cemetary Tries to Censor Jesus

Jesus told us clearly that the world hated him and it would hate us too.  Have you noticed how the world has ramped up the hatred of Jesus' name recently?  Of course everyone is fine with you being "spiritual"and "spirituality" is even encouraged....but throw out the name of Jesus and quote him with "I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but through me"....and people will start to come out of their skin.

So when this family in Sterling, Colorado tried to have the name of Jesus put on a tombstone....they got blow back.

The family of a Colorado preacher’s wife is still fuming after the director of the city-owned cemetery refused to engrave her final resting place with the name ‘Jesus’ because it might offend people. The city eventually reversed course under public pressure.

“We were in disbelief,” said Stacy Adams, the daughter-in-law of Linda Baker. “Who tries to censor Jesus from a cemetery?”

“At first they told us it wouldn’t fit,” Adams told me. “But after we kept pushing them the cemetery director told us that it might offend somebody. They weren’t going to allow it.”

The family was devastated and asked the cemetery director to reconsider. He refused.

“He said, ‘What if somebody wanted to put a swastika?” she recounted. “My reply was, so what if they do? It’s not my business how they want to be remembered.”

As for the cemetery manager—comparing the name of Jesus to a swastika? Really, sir? My only wish is that on Judgment Day Mrs. Baker is standing at the Pearly Gates watching you explain yourself to Saint Peter.



You see, the world wants to believe that there are many ways to heaven, nirvana or any other good place that they believe WE ALL WILL GO when we die.  Of course that is a lie straight from the pit of hell.

Wide is the road that leads to destruction and MANY will be on it.  Narrow is the path that leads to life and few will find it.

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