
Monday, October 21, 2013

Did Russia Really Ban the Koran?

It appears that there is some amount of truth to a Russian court banning certain Koran translations.

Check out this funny quote from a Russian politician that, quite honestly,  made me say, "Amen!"

My position is clear: anyone who does not want to live in Russia according to Russian, secular laws, should not live here. For them, there are states in the Middle East, go there and live”.

Now let's continue on with the rest of the article...

In an unusual court ruling, the “October” district court in the Russian port city of Novorossiysk, on the Black Sea, that the “Meaning of Qur’an” in the “Russian Language” is “recognized as extremist”. After the ruling the Russian court made a bold move to ban the Qur’an from Russia and not allowing it to be translated or distributed in Russian. They also recognized possession and distribution of the Qur’an as extremist.

They cited a 2002 translation into Russian from Elmir Kuliev, who is the Director of Department of Geoculture at the Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caucasus. He was considered the leading contemporary on Russian Muslim Philosophy, and his translation is used and cited in several resources including for the definitive Russian translation of the Qur’an.

For now the Russian Court decision stands and the courts are not backing down from their ruling. They point to the violence and threats from the Muslim Clerics in the neighboring countries that this is proof that they made the right decision.

See that one here;

As I continued to dig through the news, it may be that the Russian court banned a CERTAIN TRANSLATION of the Koran...and not ALL Korans.

In a move that is bound to alienate a large segment of Russia’s sizable Muslim population, the Guardian reports that “A court in the Russian city of Novorossiysk” has recently voted to ban one translation of the Quran. While the court’s decision to ban Azeri theologian Elmir Kuliyev’s translation of the Muslim holy book is by no means unprecedented, it reflects an increasing trend towards greater government censorship of written material in Russia.

What makes the particular case of Kuliyev’s Quran so perplexing is not the fact that a Russian court has taken the action of banning the central text of a religious minority within the country. After all, Kalder writes that “Even the texts of minorities who are practically nonexistent in Russia risk proscription,” as “The Bhagavad Ghita narrowly escaped the blacklist, even though [the] Hindu text had originally been translated into Russian in 1788 and has been published numerous times since.” No, what makes this ban truly astonishing is how shockingly little the Russian government would stand to gain by alienating a religious minority that makes up 15% of the population of the country as a whole.

Even if, as the judge who made the decision claims, Kuliyev’s translation can be understood to promote extremism through “statements about the superiority of Muslims over non-Muslims” or by presenting a “positive evaluation of hostile actions by Muslims against non-Muslims,” the decision makes so little sense at the level of public policy that Russian religion expert Geraldine Fagan has argued that “Long-standing rivalries between Russian Muslim organization may lie beneath state moves against Kuliyev’s work.” Regardless, some of Russia’s senior Islamic clerics have already sounded the alarm about the potentially deleterious effects of the blacklisting of Kuliyev’s translation on relations between Muslims and the rest of the Russian population.


OK...let's just stop right here.  Evidently this translation seemed to promote the superiority of Muslims over non-Muslims...and presented a positive view of hostile actions by Muslims against non-Muslims.

Can you see how the Russian court could also take the same view on the Bible??  Jesus says the ONLY way to heaven is to have faith in Him.  That means Christianity is SUPERIOR over all other religions.  Amen!!  That is the TRUTH!...but of course lots of folks believe it is hateful to infer that non-Christians may be going to hell.

Also, that same court could make it illegal to read the book of Romans where it talks about the wrath of God coming for perverts, drunkards, swindlers, thieves and homosexual offenders.  That could be inferred that the Bible is seen as recommending violence against drunkards, perverts and gays.

Now, all this leads me to question something else?   It's clear in Ezekiel 38 that Russia leads a coalition of Muslim nations on a conquest to destroy Israel in the very last days.  So I wonder HOW Russia's offending Muslims is going to help pull this all together? 

We will have to keep our eye on this one.  Russia is no stranger to banning books, so certainly this shouldn't surprise us.

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