Monday, October 7, 2013

Even More Talk of Default

First Obama said the word "default" on national TV.  Over the weekend I heard Boehner and even the Treasury Secretary say the word, "default" on national TV.

With more than a week ahead of the debt ceiling deadline and six days into a partial shutdown, House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday President Obama is risking default by not discussing House Republicans' demand for delay or defunding of the health care law and new spending cuts.

"We're not going to pass a clean debt limit increase," Boehner said during an interview with ABC's "This Week." "I told the president, there's no way we're going to pass one. The votes are not in the House to pass a clean debt limit. And the president is risking default by not having a conversation with us."

Could America default on debt payments if Obama refuses to budge from his stand? "That's the path we're on," Boehner said.

"I have 233 Republicans in the House," the Ohio Republican added. "And you've never seen a more dedicated group of people who are thoroughly concerned about the future of our country. They believe that Obamacare, all these regulations coming out of the administration, are threatening the future for our kids and our grandkids. It is time for us to stand and fight."

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas blames it on Obama's unreasonable approach, saying the GOP has three objectives.

"No. 1, we should look for some significant structural plan and reduce government spending. No. 2, we should avoid new taxes, and No. 3, we should look for ways to mitigate the harms from Obamacare. Since 1978, we raised the debt ceiling 58 times," Cruz said on CNN's "State of the Union." "Twenty times Congress attached very specific and stringent requirements, many of the most significant spending restraints. So the president's demand to jack up the nation's credit card with no limits, no constraints – it's not reasonable."


Friends, let me repeat so that I am VERY CLEAR....Republicans AND Democrats are responsible for dragging us into this abyss over the last 50 years.  We simply could not avoid the thrill of spending  money that we didn't have to buy things that the voters wanted!!

Does that happen in American households??  Of course!!  How many folks buy trucks, houses, TV's, furniture, etc...that they should never have bought simply because they have a credit card that says they can?

So why should it surprise us that we elect the people to represent us that act just like we do??

But when our entire financial system is based on is NOT GOOD for all these top leaders to even be playing with the word "default"'s NOT GOOD for supporting the confidence.


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