
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's a MATH Thing....

Many of us own our own homes.  What if we were allowed to cancel our homeowners insurance so we could save the $1000/yr premium and use it for other things like a vacation or a down payment on a new truck?  Cool!!  There is no one to stop you from doing that IF you own your home outright.

So what happens if the garage starts on fire??  Should you be allowed to call your insurance agent on your cell phone and quickly put the policy back in force so that when your house burns down the insurance company will owe you $400,000 to rebuild it?

That sounds silly, right?

How about life insurance?  What if you were a 500 pound diabetic woman who was pregnant and smoking one pack per day of Camel cigarettes??  Should the life insurance company be FORCED to give her life insurance today??  Furthermore, should she expect to pay the same premium as a 140 pound, healthy, non-smoking woman??

Of course not!!  It's a math thing.  You can't FORCE an insurance company to take risks and not be compensated for them...

You can't force an insurance company to write a $1 million of life insurance on a woman who is laying on her death bed.

Well, you can if you are a new medical system called Obamacare...

Watch Dave Ramsey explain it here;

So with the U.S Government already $17,000,000,000,000 in debt and rising at $1 trillion per year....who do you think is going to end up paying for the 500 pound, pregnant diabetic lady who demands coverage under Obamacare?

Yep...somehow this whole thing is going to fall back on the taxpayer...and maybe lead us to the slaughter even faster...

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