
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia

Could any of us have imagined 20 years ago, that gay marriage would be sweeping the nation?

And now many of us ask, "What's next?"

How about the unfairness that gays get to marry but that bi-sexuals have to CHOOSE only one sex to marry??  What???  That is SO UNFAIR!!  They were born that way too!!  They can't change their nature so why should society make them conform to some state of "normal"?

How about the unfairness of society saying the men can only marry one woman?  Who the heck invented that stupid rule??  It is very clear by observing nature that almost ALL animal species consist of a male copulating with multiple females.  We were BORN THAT WAY!!  What kind of society would make men ignore their natural desires??

Think it won't get any worse?....check out what the LA Times recently wrote;

On January 14 of this year, the Los Angeles Times ran an article entitled, “Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia: Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change. (Emphasis in original.) The piece starts out with a story about one Paul Christiano, who, as a young child, was fascinated by girls and loved “how their spindly bodies tumbled in gymnastics,” wrote the paper. We’re then told that while Christiano grew up, his sexual tastes didn’t: He remained tormented by an attraction to pre-pubescent girls. Christiano is the “sympathetic character,” mind you, the hapless soul meant to put a human face on pedophilia. But now consider what he said about unsuccessful court-ordered therapy he was forced to undergo after being caught with child pornography in 1999. As the Times reported, “‘These people felt they could snuff out the desire, or shame me into denying it existed,’ he said. ‘But it’s as intrinsic as the next person’s heterosexuality.’”

See awesome article on the slippery slope here;

Holy nightmare!! 

You see friends, once the evolutionists can convince the world that humans are really just animals...we certainly don't condemn the tiger for eating the deer....and so we certainly CAN'T condemn a man for doing what comes naturally!!

On a side note...have any of you ever witnessed Mallard male ducks harassing and raping a lone female duck?  Let's just say that the female doesn't appear to be enjoying the aggressive courtship.

So should we be surprised if at some point in the future gang raping a female (Egypt?) is really deemed to be normal?

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