
Thursday, October 17, 2013

"You Can't Serve Two Masters!"

Have you guys seen the outburst from the Congressional podium that happened last night?  It seems that an otherwise quiet stenographer went to the microphone and she started saying things like, "Thus sayeth the Lord." and, "You can't serve two masters!"  Of course that comes from Jesus himself when he says that you can't worship God and money. (Mammon)

Stop right there.....clearly who does America worship??  Mammon.

Anyway, she then goes on to start saying something about the Masonic influence in writing our Constitution.

See it here;

And here;

She finishes up with saying something about praise be to Jesus Christ.

So was this just a crazy woman who had a nervous breakdown?....or is it something prophetic and somehow God was involved in sending this strange message as a harbinger of pending judgment?

Watch the video and decide for yourselves what this was all about.

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