
Friday, October 18, 2013

Stenographer says God Told Her to Say Those Things

In a follow up to yesterday's post, we have this info coming out today.

The Holy Spirit made her do it.

The court scribe who went on a crazed rant about the Constitution, religion and Freemasons after Wednesday’s vote to reopen the government said God spent the shutdown urging her to speak her mind.

“For the past 2 and ½ weeks, the Holy Spirit has been waking me up in the middle of the night and preparing me (through my reluctance and doubt) to deliver a message in the House Chamber,” stenographer Dianne Foster Reidy told Fox News’ Chad Pergram in a statement.

“That is what I did last night.”

“He will not be mocked. He will not be mocked – don’t touch me – he will not be mocked,” Reidy shouted as stunned lawmakers tried to calm her and pull her away from the podium.

“The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God.  It never was…the Constitution would not have been written by the Freemasons. They go against God,” Reidy said.
“You cannot serve two masters!’

Reidy, a married mom of two young daughters who makes $126,050 a year at her House steno gig, is a fan of several Christian-oriented groups, including the evangelical In Touch Ministries, led by TV preacher Charles Stanley, according to her Facebook profile.


So was she a crazy woman who lost control of her tongue and her wits?....OR...Was this actually a message from God delivered through a simple servant?

After reading her comments, I am going to go with the later.

Lord, have mercy.


  1. If in fact she uttered the words "Thus sayeth the Lord..." and claimed special revelation from God in a dream, then we know she's false (and probably crazy). God has closed the Office of prophet (who were the only ones rightly declaring "Thus sayeth the Lord...").

    Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days (2,000 years now) he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things... Hebrews 1:1-2

    The disillusioned stenographer may be right about one thing, however, this nation was not founded as a Christian nation. There is no reference to Jesus Christ in our founding documents. A reference to "God" in a way that many religions could embrace yes, but not a reference to Jesus Christ (which is what CHRISTianity is all about, unless you're a dispensationalist). Many of our founding fathers were unashamed deists, and they used "religion" to keep the people in check. They knew a republic would never work with out morality. Thomas Jefferson (author of the Dec. of Independence) cut out many passages of his Bible that he didn't agree with, like the resurrection for example. If there was one passage you have to keep in (and separates Christianity from every false religion), that would be it. So, no America is not and has never been a Christian nation.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    I would agree with you if she claimed to have NEW REVELATION or special revelation...but she didn't. I also agree with you that God has closed the office of prophet...but the gift of prophecy is still handed out which some folks have and is given to WAKE PEOPLE UP and point out that God is alive and active and that Jesus IS COMING. So I'm not so sure she is disillusioned. Sounds like maybe she was just called to read a few Bible verses about not serving two masters...which The Lord thus sayeth. And finally I agree with you that many of the founders were NOT followers of Christ...and this nation was NOT set up as a Christian nation. If you look up the Freemasons you will see that they played a BIG PART in setting up our nation's capital and they call on whatever god they want to...NOT the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
