
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Palestinian Authority Paints Hitler in Positive Light

Aren't you happy that John Kerry and Team Obama are all working with those "moderates" of the Palestinian Authority?  Wow...what a bunch of swell people!  I can almost hear the Peace Train coming around the corner!!

A children's educational magazine sponsored by the Palestinian Authority extols the wit and wisdom of Adolf Hitler -- by wrongly attributing 10 quotes to the Nazi leader.

Zayzafuna, a youth magazine whose advisory board includes Palestinian Authority Deputy Minister of Education Jihad Zakameh, published the list of quotes in its August edition in a section titled “Among Hitler’s sayings,” Palestinian Media Watch reported.

Palestinian Media Watch officials said the purpose of the list is seemingly to present Hitler as a “sharp-witted and wise” person.

“This is not the first time that the PA-associated youth magazine has presented Hitler in a positive light,” PMW’s website reads. “In 2011, PMW exposed an essay in Zayzafuna that glorified Hitler and portrayed him as a role model. The essay expressed admiration for Hitler because he killed Jews – an act presented as benefiting all of humanity. In the essay, Hitler says to a Palestinian girl in her dream: ‘I killed them [the Jews] so you would all know that they are a nation which spreads destructions all over the world.’”

Nazi sympathy among some Palestinians has made headlines twice this year, first when a flag with the swastika was flown next to a mosque in the Arab town of Beit Omar, about a half-hour south of Jerusalem. Israelis in the area notified the Israel Defense Force, which had the offensive banner removed.


I wish the educated and civilized world would open their eyes to what the Arabs of Palestine are saying!!  They don't want peace!!  They want the total destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews.

Any society that glorifies Hitler and sells him as a positive role model to their youth must be considered IMPOSSIBLE to have a peace deal with.

Hey Obama!  Are you still planning on sending a bunch of our borrowed money to these folks?  Is that really a good idea??

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