
Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Boy Heard Voices Telling Him to Kill

Have you noticed that "voices" have been blamed for lots of murderous violence lately?

When a woman drives her kids into the river and drowns them., what does she say?  The voices told her to do it.

A man kills his kids and also blames the voices.

A man chews the face off another man and he also blames the voices.

And now here is another headline today;

Police: Wash. boy heard voices telling him to kill

VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) — An 11-year-old boy who took a gun and ammunition to his middle school heard voices in his head telling him to shoot another boy that he thought was bullying his friend, police said in a court document released Thursday.
In an affidavit released as the boy appeared in Clark County Juvenile Court, police said he claimed in the presence of school officials that a "voice in his head" was telling him to kill another 11-year-old student "for calling his friend ... 'gay.'"
The boy's mother called the school and said her son had taken some kitchen knives. The school resource officer took him to the principal's office where police said they found a .22-caliber handgun in his pants pocket and two loaded magazines in another pocket.
More ammunition and the knives were found in the backpack, police spokeswoman Kim Kapp said.
Police said in the affidavit the boy told authorities he planned to shoot the student he felt was bullying his friend "in the arm and then shoot himself in the head."
So what's up?  Are all these folks just schizophrenic....or is Satan ramping up and now telling all sorts of people to go out and commit heinous crimes every single day?
I'm guessing not ALL of the voices are from Satan, but I bet you that most of them are.

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