
Saturday, November 30, 2013

China Sends Warplanes

I hope you guys are all watching this flap with China and its newly declared airspace....because it sounds like it COULD be another trigger that could cause an explosion.

There are some tiny, uninhabited islands off the southern end of Japan and just last week China claimed the islands as their territory and set up an airspace-defense zone within some miles surrounding this new "territory".

Of course POSSESSION is 9/10ths of the the saying if no other nation ever challenges China on this claim, soon the islands and the airspace surrounding them will be theirs.

So right away, America flew two B2 bombers through the airspace and nothing happened.  Then the next day Japan and South Korea flew airplanes through the zone and nothing happened.

The next day China said that it was aware that nations were "provoking" it's claim of the airspace and said that "our patience is not limitless."....meaning that one day they will come out fighting if nations don't heed their claim.

Now yesterday, Team Obama warned commercial airliners had best notify China if they plan on flying through that airspace because China scrambled jets yesterday to confront a plane flying through.

Does it sound like a trigger to you?

BEIJING (AP) — China said it sent warplanes into its newly declared maritime air defense zone days after the U.S., South Korea and Japan all sent flights through the airspace in broadening defiance of rules Beijing says it has imposed over the East China Sea.

China's air force on Thursday sent several fighter jets and an early warning aircraft on normal air patrols in the zone, the Xinhua agency reported, citing air force spokesman Shen Jinke.

The report did not specify exactly when the flights were sent or whether they had encountered foreign military aircraft. The United States, Japan and South Korea have said they have sent military or coast guard flights through the zone without encountering any Chinese response since Beijing announced its creation last week.

While China's surprise announcement last week announcing the zone initially raised some tensions in the region, analysts say Beijing's motive is not to trigger an aerial confrontation but is a more long-term strategy to solidify claims to disputed territory by simply marking the area as its own.

China's lack of efforts to stop the foreign flights — including two U.S. B-52s that flew through the zone on Tuesday — has been an embarrassment for Beijing. Even some Chinese state media outlets suggested Thursday that Beijing may have mishandled the episodes.

See that here;

Now just 19 minutes ago, some more news just got reported;

China scrambled fighter jets to investigate US and Japanese aircraft flying through its new air defence zone over the East China Sea on Friday as the regional clamour over the disputed airspace escalated.

The ministry of defence announced the move, which is the first time China is known to have sent military aircraft into the zone alongside foreign flights, stepping up its response to the challenge after its unilateral establishment of the zone. It previously said it had monitored US, Japanese and South Korean aircraft and had flown routine patrols in the area on Thursday.

Foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang urged the EU to handle the situation "objectively and rationally", adding: "European countries can have air defence identification zones. Why can't China?"

While such zones are common, China's is controversial because it includes the skies over islands known as the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, which are the subject of a long-running territorial dispute, and overlaps zones established by Japan and South Korea. There has also been concern over China's warning that it would take unspecified "emergency defensive measures" if aircraft did not comply.


If you have RedBox or NetFlix or can find it any other way, I would highly recommend a movie I saw on NetFlix called DEATH BY CHINA.  It is a very sobering look at what China is up to and just how far the USA has stepped into their trap. 

For now we can file this growing escalation under WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR and also under KINGS OF THE EAST.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! 

Follow up question....when all of the atheists and secularists in America celebrate whom are they thankful?

The ministry's statement said two US reconnaissance aircraft and 10 Japanese early warning, reconnaissance and fighter planes had entered the zone.

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