
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Polygamy Continues to Go Mainstream

Just as we have always said...once the doors of gay marriage are opened, the polygamists won't be far behind.  Why not??  People are capable of loving more than one why not have your 27 yr old girlfriend move in with you and your wife so you can all share each other's bodies?

Makes perfect sense...

Also note that they have a son who is "very loved" by the three of them...and if you dare to disagree with this definition of marriage and family, you are a hater and also SHUT UP!!

A married couple who identify as polyamorists have opened up about their unconventional relationship, revealing how an active sex life boosts their mood and keeps them fit.
Kamala Devi and Michael McClure, aged 38 and 49 respectively, swore off monogamy from day one. They have up to a dozen different lovers each - some to themselves and some who they share.

Six months ago they welcomed 27-year-old bisexual Rachel Rickards into their home in San Diego, California, and now the three of them enjoy each other's company - and bodies.

They say that Ms Rickards also provides a helping hand when it comes to raising their six-year-old son, Devin. He was educated about his unusual family set-up from a young age.
Addressing concerns about how he might be effected by the situation Mr McClure said: 'He understands the word "polyamory."
'He understands what that means. He doesn't really know what sex is yet.'

'He has so much love and he has so many aunties and uncles,' Ms Devi also said in a previous interview, likening her lovers to family members.

Indeed, Devin appears to enjoy having 'two mothers' around the house.
In one frame during the ABC News interview the youngster says: 'I'm so grateful for this loving family that lives here.'

For those who maybe confused as to what polyamory is, Dr Karen Stewart, a sex therapist in Los Angeles, said: 'Polyamory is not about being swingers. It's not about the one-off weekend with the couple we met at the bar.
'It's about forming long and lasting and loving relationships.'

However, she admitted that Ms Devi and Mr McClure's son might find their polyamorous relationship hard to understand later in life, especially when he realizes that friends' situations are different.

'When he goes to school and in ten years brings dates home, this is probably going to be a little complicated for him,' she said. 

'I'm not sure if the parents are thinking down the road about that.'

But Ms Devi believes by the time Devin is a teenager polyamory will be 'a new paradigm'.

'It is quite normal already. It's just not out of the closet,' Mr McClure added.


And there you have it....the newest Modern Family!!  Full of love, happiness and great sex!!

Who could possibly be against this loving relationship??  I hope Obamacare will mandate that EMPLOYERS have to offer health insurance to ALL of the wives.  That would only be fair.  Also I hope Social Security makes amends so that if the breadwinner dies that all of his wives and all of his children can collect survivor benefits.  That also would be fair.

How much longer Lord?....

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