
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Israel Struggling to Win Friends

The Bible is clear that in the very last days Israel will be all alone as the world prepares one final push to destroy her for good.  Of course God will intervene so that WON'T happen...BUT...we should be watching for signs of Israel to be isolated and all alone.

With that as a backdrop, we see this in the top headlines on Yahoo today;

Analysis: Israel struggling to win friends, influence people

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Criticized for settling occupied land and stung by its failure to shape the new world power deal with Iran, Israel must rethink its strategy if it wants to avoid severe diplomatic setbacks in the coming months.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's fury about the Iranian nuclear accord has exposed Israel's limited reach on the international stage and has coincided with growing frustration abroad over its flailing peace talks with the Palestinians.

Traditionally the closest of friends, Israel and the United States now stare at each other with barely concealed mistrust.

Some of Netanyahu's allies suggest it is time for Israel to build up relations in other regions, such as Asia, to make sure that all its diplomatic eggs are not in one, American, basket.

That might prove a valid long-term plan, but it will not help Israel win its short-term goal of getting Western partners to wring many more concessions from Iran in the next, decisive round of negotiations over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

Barely had the ink dried on the November 24 accord with Iran, which offered the Islamic Republic limited sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear activities, than an angry Netanyahu denounced what he termed a "historic mistake".

His criticism put him at odds with the United States as well as France, Germany, Britain, China and Russia; all approved the deal in the face of heavy lobbying from Israel, which fears Iran will develop an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

And it will not help Israel dodge blame, if, as expected peace talks with the Palestinians collapse in early 2014.


We are told to pray for the peace of  Jerusalem.  We know that peace won't come until the Prince of Peace returns to usher it really when we pray that prayer we are praying for the return of Christ.

And once again, Jerusalem, God's Holy City is on the front page of the news.

Are we all wide awake yet??  Something big is getting ready to happen.

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