
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Christianity Could Die Out in Generation

Christ told Peter that on his back the church would be built and not even the powers of hell would be able to destroy it.  Amen!! 

However, Christianity can die out in various nations as that nation forgets God.  Look at Germany that WAS a Christian nation and then gave rise to Hitler.

Now look at what the Archbishop of Canterbury is saying;

Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has a warning for Christian churches: Attract young people to the faith or risk losing it forever. 

According to The Telegraph, Carey said Christianity is just a “generation away from extinction” in Britain unless churches have a breakthrough in attracting young people. 

Clergy are gripped by a “feeling of defeat” and congregations are worn down by “heaviness," he said.

Carey said the public greets both with “rolled eyes and a yawn of boredom," according to The Telegraph. 

Carey made his remarks at a Shrewsbury conference discussing how the church could be "re-imagined." 

“So many people do not see the average church as a place where great things happen," he said. “To sit in a cold church looking at the back of other peoples’ heads is surely not the best place to meet exciting people and to hear prophetic words.”

According to The Telegraph, Carey cited a lack of youth ministries as one of the sources of the problem.  

“So many churches have no ministry to young people and that means they have no interest in the future," he said. “We have to give cogent reasons to young people why the Christian faith is relevant to them.”

Sunday congregations in the U.K. have almost halved since 1970 to just 807,000 in the most recent figures, The Telegraph reported.


Yes!!!  We need to figure out a way to attract young people!!  How about loud music??  How about zany and wacky games...or putting on haunted houses for Halloween??  How about telling them how great they are??  How about promising them a fun filled life blessed with material goods??

Here's an about telling EVERYONE (including kids) that we are ALL wretched sinners and are going to spend eternity in hell, separated from our Creator IF WE DO NOT REPENT of ours sins and turn to Jesus for salvation??  Could that maybe attract someone?

"But Dennis, people don't like to hear about hell.  They would rather be told that God loves them....just as they are!  As parents we tell our kids how wonderful they are, we tell their teachers at school to tell them how wonderful they are, we direct the coaches of their sports teams to give them all trophies, no matter their win record, and tell them how wonderful they are....why would they want to go to a church where they hear that they ARE NOT WONDERFUL?"

Friends, I fear that the church is going to die out (even more than it already has) in England if the Archbishop of Canterbury has anything to say about it.  He sounds like a moron who is most likely a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing...."Oh please, please please young people....please come to our church because God desperately wants your love and affection!!  He needs you to worship Him because He is sad and lonely when you ignore Him!"


Certainly, we ARE in the very Last Days.  The Great Apostasy seems to be at the doorstep and our children are beginning to worship themselves...because God-fearing parents are in short supply and a famine has broken out...not of famine of food and water, but a famine of the knowledge of the Word of God.

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