
Monday, November 25, 2013

Iranians Celebrate Like They Just Won the Super Bowl

While most of us in America have NO IDEA what Team Obama just gave away in nuclear talks with Iran....the Iranians are celebrating the same deal like they just won the Super Bowl.

So what do they know that we don't know?

Well, they think they just put another X in the victory column as they move closer to their dream of one day destroying Israel (little Satan) and then move on to the USA (big Satan).

Is it possible that we can be that naive?'s not only possible but has become our reality.  In fact, I would bet you $1 that more Americans are upset about Brian the Dog being killed off on the Family Guy cartoon than even KNOW that Team Obama just signed a deal with Iran.

Watch the video of Iranian celebration here;

Friends, I know we are all happily sipping coffee in our padded pews on Sunday mornings, wondering if pizza or Mexican food would go well with our afternoon football games...BUT...can you at least understand how RIPE WE ARE FOR DESTRUCTION??  Furthermore, wouldn't you agree that we DESERVE TO HAVE THE WRATH OF GOD poured on this nation?

How much longer.....?

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