
Monday, November 11, 2013

Get Drunk Without Alcohol

We already know that we are a drug dependent culture.  Have too much fat....take a pill!!  Not feeling perky....take a pill!  Feeling sleepy....take a pill!  Can't sleep...take a pill!

And now we may soon have the perfect drug for our society....a pill that makes you feel drunk but you don't have to take all those harmful calories from 8 beers or mixed drinks to get that way!!  After all, who wants to be drunk and fat??  Now you can have all the 'fun' of being drunk but don't have to worry about calories and those nasty hangovers!!  Get drunk every night, be the life of the party, blame all your sinful behavior on being drunk...and still show up for work the next morning without a hangover!!  PERFECT!!!  "All the positive effects of being drunk without any health risks."

Scientists are developing a drug which mimics all the positive effects of being drunk without any of the health risks, addiction – or hangovers.

The “serious revolution in health” is being pioneered by the former Government drugs advisor Professor David Nutt, and has been described as doing for alcohol what the e-cigarette has done for tobacco use.

It targets neurotransmitters in the brain directly, giving the taker feelings of pleasure and disinhibition that are in some cases “indistinguishable” from the effects of drinking. Yet because it acts directly, it can also be immediately blocked by taking an antidote – with “drinkers” potentially able to then drive or return to work straight away.

One of the biggest benefits to Prof Nutt’s alcohol substitute would be to remove addiction as a drinking problem. The scientist said 10 per cent of drinkers become addicted, and that addicts account for most of the one and a half million people killed by alcohol every year.



Can there truly be any doubt that we are living in the VERY last days??

For any of those folks out there who believe that the world will be made nicer and nicer until one day it is so nice that Christ have to be seriously depressed with that theology right now.

Maybe now would be the time to leave your preterism (the belief that events in Revelation have already happened) and embrace the fact that things are only going to get worse....and Jesus promised to come and TAKE US to the place He has prepared...because the bride of Christ was NOT MADE to suffer the wrath of God.

"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on earth."  Jesus- Revelation 3:10


  1. Dennis, amillennialism actually believes the world will get worse before the Second Coming of Christ. It also holds that there will be a mass conversion of ethnic Jews before the end. Huh...maybe you're an amillennialist in disguise. :)

    I kindly suggest you read former dispensationalist Kim Riddlebarger's book "The Case for Amillennialism". At least you'll correctly represent this (Biblical) position. ;)

  2. Sorry Anonymous, I should have stayed clear of amillennialsim...especially when I didn't know how to spell the word. I will go back into my post and drop that reference. My intent was to point to the folks who believe we are already in the millennium. The world clearly seems to be spinning out of control and this article is just one more example of how lost human beings are who reject Christ and the Word of God.
