
Monday, November 11, 2013

Warning on Global Food Supply

When God releases the 4 horsemen of the of them comes riding with famine and death.  In fact Revelation says that during that time of Tribulation a man will work all day just to buy enough food to feed him for one day.

Few will have any money to take vacations to Disney, buy that new fishing boat or plan their Florida vacation homes....

So check out this headline coming across Google today.

Warning on Global Food Supply

For a look at what climate change could do to the world’s food supply, consider what the weather did to the American Corn Belt last year.

At the beginning of 2012, the Agriculture Department projected the largest corn crop in the country’s history. But then a savage heat wave and drought struck over the summer. Plants withered, prices spiked, and the final harvest came in 27 percent below the forecast.
The situation bore a striking resemblance to what happened in Europe in 2003, after a heat wave cut agricultural production for some crops by as much as 30 percent and sent prices soaring.
Several researchers concluded that the European heat wave was made more likely by human-caused climate change; scientists are still arguing over the 2012 heat blast in the United States. Whatever their origin, heat waves like these give us a taste of what could be in store in a future with global warming.
Among those who are getting nervous are the people who spend their lives thinking about where our food will come from.
“The negative impacts of global climate change on agriculture are only expected to get worse,” said a report earlier this year from researchers at the London School of Economics and a Washington think tank, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. The report cited a need for “more resilient crops and agricultural production systems than we currently possess in today’s world.”
This may be the greatest single fear about global warming: that climate change could so destabilize the world’s food system as to lead to rising hunger or even mass starvation. Two weeks ago, a leaked draft of a report by the United Nations climate committee, known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, suggested that the group’s concerns have grown, and that the report, scheduled for release in March in Yokohama, Japan, is likely to contain a sharp warning about risks to the food supply.
Of course to the atheists who dominate the New York Times, these ominous signs of coming famine have NOTHING to do with a sin-filled world that rejects God...but everything to do with GLOBAL WARMING!!!
For most of us Americans, our lives don't seem to change at all if gasoline is $3 per gallon or $4...we just keep on doing our thing.  If Cheerios are $4 per box or $3 per box, most of us aren't going to cancel our Disney vacations...BUT....if you are one of the billions of people around the world who struggle every day to buy enough food to keep your kids stomach from bloating...having corn go $8 per bushel is a SERIOUS PROBLEM!!
Remember, corn is a commodity.  If it costs $8 per bushel here...that means it is going to cost close to $8 per bushel EVERYWHERE....even in Egypt, Philippines or Mongolia.
The Bible says that when Jesus comes back to rule the world that He will usher in a time when crops are so plentiful that the harvester will follow the planter.  The earth will give off so much bounty that all will have plenty.
But for now, the weight of sin is killing this planet.  It has nothing to do with SUV's, coal plants and farting cows...NO! has everything to do with a sin-sick world.

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