
Monday, November 11, 2013

The French Save the Day

Team Obama has been negotiating with the Iranians and he and David Cameron seem very eager to sign a deal.  Here is the problem;  the deal lets Iran continue doing everything it wants in its nuclear program in exchange for PROMISES from Iran.

How much do you think a promise is worth coming from Iran?

Thankfully, the French saw through the 'suckers deal' and refused to sign the plan...thereby putting it on hold.  For how long?  Who knows?  Maybe just long enough for Team Obama to put enormous pressure on France to make them sign the suckers deal?

We never thought we'd say this, but thank heaven for French foreign-policy exceptionalism. At least for the time being, François Hollande's Socialist government has saved the West from a deal that would all but guarantee that Iran becomes a nuclear power.
While the negotiating details still aren't fully known, the French made clear Saturday that they objected to a nuclear agreement that British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack Obama were all too eager to sign. These two leaders remind no one, least of all the Iranians, of Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush. That left the French to protect against a historic security blunder, with Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius declaring in an interview with French radio that while France still hopes for an agreement with Tehran, it won't accept a "sucker's deal."
And that's exactly what seems to have been on the table as part of a "first-step agreement" good for six months as the parties negotiated a final deal. Tehran would be allowed to continue enriching uranium, continue manufacturing centrifuges, and continue building a plutonium reactor near the city of Arak. Iran would also get immediate sanctions relief and the unfreezing of as much as $50 billion in oil revenues—no small deliverance for a regime whose annual oil revenues barely topped $95 billion in 2011.
In return the West would get Iranian promises. There is a promise not to activate the Arak reactor, a promise not to use its most advanced centrifuges to enrich uranium or to install new ones, a promise to stop enriching uranium to 20%, which is near-weapons' grade, and to convert its existing stockpile into uranium oxide (a process that is reversible).
Now the U.S. seems to be falling for the same ruse again. This time, however, Iran is much closer to achieving its nuclear objectives. No wonder Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu felt compelled to warn the Administration and Europe that they risked signing "a very, very bad deal," a blunt public rebuke from a Prime Minister who has been notably cautious about criticizing the White House. The Saudis, who gave up on this Administration long ago, are no doubt thinking along similar lines. The BBC reported last week that the Kingdom has nuclear weapons "on order" from Pakistan.
Holy Armageddon!!  Now the Saudis have nukes on order from Pakistan??  Obama continues to throw Israel under the bus??  Nations start turning to Russia as a partner because of Team Obama's stupidity in foreign policy??
Can the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse be tightening their saddles as they get ready to ride??
Poor Obama!!  He is in so far over his head that he can't even see the light of day anymore.
Thank you Jesus that you have provided A WAY to keep us from the wrath that God will pour out on this miserable, sin-filled, godless sea of humanity.

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