
Thursday, December 5, 2013

A New Breed of Humans?

Did you guys see one of the top news stories today?  Scientists are saying they are going to need to re-write all the school textbooks because they just discovered another breed of humans.

Scientists have found the oldest DNA evidence yet of humans’ biological history. But instead of neatly clarifying human evolution, the finding is adding new mysteries.

In a paper in the journal Nature, scientists reported Wednesday that they had retrieved ancient human DNA from a fossil dating back about 400,000 years, shattering the previous record of 100,000 years.
The fossil, a thigh bone found in Spain, had previously seemed to many experts to belong to a forerunner of Neanderthals. But its DNA tells a very different story. It most closely resembles DNA from an enigmatic lineage of humans known as Denisovans. Until now, Denisovans were known only from DNA retrieved from 80,000-year-old remains in Siberia, 4,000 miles east of where the new DNA was found.
The mismatch between the anatomical and genetic evidence surprised the scientists, who are now rethinking human evolution over the past few hundred thousand years. It is possible, for example, that there are many extinct human populations that scientists have yet to discover. They might have interbred, swapping DNA. Scientists hope that further studies of extremely ancient human DNA will clarify the mystery.
“Right now, we’ve basically generated a big question mark,” said Matthias Meyer, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and a co-author of the new study.
But the DNA did not match that of Neanderthals. Dr. Meyer then compared it to the DNA of the Denisovans, the ancient human lineage that he and his colleagues had discovered in Siberia in 2010. He was shocked to find that it was similar.
“Everybody had a hard time believing it at first,” Dr. Meyer said. “So we generated more and more data to nail it down.”
The extra research confirmed that the DNA belonged on the Denisovan branch of the human family tree.
Around the same time as that discovery, Russian collaborators sent the Max Planck team 80,000-year-old fossils they had found in a cave in Siberia called Denisova. When the German scientists sequenced the entire genome from the finger bone of a girl, it turned out to be neither human nor Neanderthal, but from a separate lineage, which Dr. Paabo and his colleagues named Denisovans.
Dr. Meyer is hopeful that he and his colleagues will be able to get more DNA from the Spanish fossil, as well as other fossils from the site, to help solve the puzzle they have now stumbled across. “It’s extremely hard to make sense of,” Dr. Meyer said. “We still are a bit lost here.”
Holy evolution!!  The scientists are lost...they have no idea how to make sense of this all!!  It had all been so easy to understand...until now!!
The accepted story sold to our kids since kindergarten, is that some lightning must have struck a pond filled with protein based scum.  Everything was JUST RIGHT for a single-cell of life to form...and over billions of years of mutating and survival of the fittest....finally a human being walked out of the ocean and said he was sick of being a fish!  Yes!!  I totally get it!!  Makes perfect sense!! 
But wait.....who made the lightning and who made the pond filled with protein scum...?
So now we are hypothesizing that instead of having ONE MAN walk out of the ocean, scientists are telling us there were three different men who walked out of the ocean, one was human, one was neanderthal and one was Denisovian!!

So cool!!  But now they are confused because these men started interbreeding and making hybrid humanoids!! cool!!
Wait....if three different species of men walked out the could they breed with each other when we KNOW for a fact that men copulating with other men NEVER leads to an accidental baby?
And now is when we come back to the idea that some of these men must have cross-bred (had sex with) a chimpanzee and a pig in order to form modern man!!  (see my previous post) 
So amazing what science can tell us!!  With a simple explanation like that, who could ever be so dumb as to believe the Biblical story that GOD MADE EVERYTHING!!
"Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils.  Of what account is he?"  Isaiah 2:22
"Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."  Isaiah 29:14
Hmmm....I wonder if our most intelligent scientists are going to lose their intelligence as they try to solve this most puzzling riddle surrounding the Denisovians?


  1. You are so dumb. wow. You are misrepresentation and ill understanding for a whole generation concentrated into a single person.

  2. Hi anonymous,
    Just a tip for you...before you go and call someone dumb, you MAY want to check your grammar.

  3. Ok maybe I missed a hyphen between ill and understanding. But everything else is pretty good. Wow is an interjection and can stand alone. I used the helping verb are to describe you as the embodiment of misrepresentation and ill-understanding. Then, "for a whole generation" describes the type of misrepresentation and ill-understanding which you embody.

    I could explain it better if you are still confused. Would you like that?

    And I just asked that question to sound condescending like someone would sound if they said, "I'll pray for," after hearing about someone else's differences in ideologies.

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    are you one of those people who believe that all of life just sort of "happened" one day? That it all just made itself up out of nothing? I don't get it? So yes, maybe you should explain to us all why my comments are dumb. And then you can explain to us all how life just emerged from nothing...even though the simple, single cell is more complex than a Boeing 747. So, yes, I am confused on how anybody could have that much faith in nothing.
