
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Stupidity Sweeps the Nation!

Back in 1979-1981 I worked as a dishwasher at a nursing home.  I was 16 when I got the job and remember working for about $3.25 per hour.

Now let's imagine back then that a CNN camera showed up at the nursing home and asked me, "Dennis, are you upset that you can't afford your three kids, rent, gas and a living wage by working this job?  Are you going to strike?"

Even back then I would have said, "Ummm....this is just a job for high school kids who need to put gas in their cars and maybe take a date to a movie once per month.  I didn't take this job expecting to make a living wage."

But not today!!  Today ANY JOB should pay a living wage!! 

Karina McClain, a cashier at fast food chain Checkers in New York City, didn't show up for her shift on Thursday.

Instead, the 22 year-old joined about 100 other people outside of a Brooklyn Wendy's restaurant calling for an hourly wage increase to $15 an hour. She was holding a sign that read "Raise pay, live better."

"I have bills to pay and we don't get enough money," said McClain, who makes the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, and works 20 hours a week. Missing out on a day's pay would be hard for McClain, who can barely pay for diapers and clothes for her five-month old daughter Kamayah.

But on Thursday, McClain was able to afford missing a day at work, because organizers behind the protests compensate workers who walk off work.

McClain said union-backed groups, like Fast Food Forward and Fight for 15, were paying her about $50, or a day's wage, to be at the protest.

"If they weren't paying me, I couldn't afford to be here," she said.

The median pay for the fast food workers nationwide stands at just more than $9 an hour, or about $18,500 a year. That's roughly $4,500 lower than Census Bureau's poverty income threshold level of $23,000 for a family of four. That's why most workers can't afford to miss a day or work with no pay, Westin said.

A report released in October by the University of California, Berkeley Labor Center and the University of Illinois found that more than half of families of fast food workers receive some form of public assistance. The report estimated that this aid carries a $7 billion annual price tag for taxpayers.


Can you smell the stupidity in the air?  Can you smell the unrest that is coming??  Can you take a wild guess about WHO Karina McClain voted for? 

Maybe Karina should have stopped to ponder her future BEFORE she chose to have out-of-wedlock-unprotected sex and bring a baby into the world?  Maybe she should have pondered her life working part time at Fast Food BEFORE she dropped out of High School and BEFORE she decided to start smoking Marlboro's which now cost $8 per pack?

" sound so judgmental, intolerant and compassion-less."

So what does this have to do with prophecy?

People say, "Where is America in Bible prophecy when it speaks of the Last Days?"  I respond that I don't really see her anywhere to be found.  "I wonder why?", they will follow up with.

Ummm....I think we collapsed because of our own stupidity at refusing to do MATH!!  Detroit refused, California refused, Congress refused, Team Obama a bunch of spoiled kids...they ALL REFUSED to do math!!

So just pretend for a moment that Karina gets her wish and Fast Food job starts paying her $15 per hour.  How much do you think Fast Food burgers are now going to cost...will they cost more or less??  And now what will Karina do when she takes her baby and her out to Fast Food to have a burger and discovers that the burger cost $3.49 instead of $1.49?

I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say that Karina might picket Fast Food again...

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