
Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Whole World is Going to Collapse"

Who says the whole world is going to collapse?  Big Bird from Sesame Street?  Nope.  None other than famed billionaire investor with a bow tie named Jim Rodgers.

Famed investor Jim Rodgers is predicting a disastrous scenario for the global economy. “Eventually, the whole world is going to collapse,” he told CBC in a recent interview.
Rodgers said “we in the West have staggering debts,” noting that the United States is the “largest debtor nation in the history of the world.”
“This is going to end badly,” he warned.
Rodgers went on to warn of the “next crisis,” which he predicted may occur in 2015 or 2016.
“The next correction when it comes, because the debt is so very high — you know, 2008 was worse than 2002 because the debt was so much higher. You wait until 2015 or 2016 when the next crisis hits… debt has gone through the roof, the next one’s gonna be really bad”
His advice: “Be prepared, be worried, and be careful.”
Holy monkey wrench!!  If the world collapses that sure is gonna put a divot in my plans to buy an Arizona golf home and a beach house in Florida!!  How the heck am I gonna fulfill my goal of sitting in a lawn chair reading romance novels during my 'golden years' if this dufus is correct??
Well, Team Obama and all the media are telling me that everything is getting I choose to ignore Dufus Rodgers and instead will cling to my hope and change offered to me by Team Obama and CNN.  I mean, come on...have you seen the stock market soaring lately?  We are all going to be sitting beach side in Florida in just a few more years if we can continue to average 25% per year for the next 5-10 years!!
Let the good times roll!!
Friends, just remember...the whole world HAS TO COLLAPSE in order to bring the NEW WORLD ORDER into fruition.  Remember, the Antichrist isn't going to invent this system....he is just going to show up to take it over...and then he will IMPROVE on it...and everything in scripture WILL BE FULFILLED.
When you see all these things BEGINNING TO HAPPEN then lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.

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