
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Another Day, Another Gay...Headline

One would think that since less than 1% of the world's population identifies as "gay"...that the things that gay people say, do, or think would be inconsequential to the other 99%.  But in today's strange world, it simply doesn't work that way.  It seems almost every single day there is another headline on the front page of Google News that reports on something gay.

Pope Francis named gay magazine's 'Person of the Year'

His Holiness — or shall we call him Mr. Popularity — has done it again. Pope Francis can add another award to his trophy collection.

America’s oldest gay news magazine The Advocate has chosen Francis as its Person of the Year. The mag says he fits the bill as the “single most influential person of 2013 on the lives of LGBT people.”

The magazine goes on to say: “As pope, he has not yet said the Catholic Church supports civil unions. But what Francis does say about LGBT people has already caused reflection and consternation within his church.”

Yes, even though Francis hasn’t officially changed any church policies involving homosexuality, many would argue he’s done much at least to change its tone.

This summer he first raised eyebrows when he responded to a reporter’s question on gay priests saying, "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?"


Now notice how this article ends...

And Pope Francis has another reason to celebrate. The honor from the Advocate fell on his 77th birthday — which he spent eating breakfast in the Vatican with the homeless. From this pope, we’d expect nothing less.

"From this pope, we'd expect nothing less!!"  Even the liberal, godless media is falling in love with this pope!!  Why not?... every day it seems the pope leans further towards supporting the "do good", liberal agenda.  Tell everyone that we are all good!  Feed the poor so you can feel better about yourself!  Tell everyone that if we are sincere and spiritual that we will all go to a happy place when we die!  Never say the word "sin" or "repent" or "hell"....because remember that people don't like to hear those words.  They would rather be told happy words!

It's no surprise then that this article refers to the pope as "Mr. Popularity."

Jesus said the world WILL HATE US because it hated Christ first.  If the world starts to love you too much you might need to stop and reflect on why that might be....


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