
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

North Korea Plans New Nuclear Test

The crazy kingdom in North Korea is hopelessly out of money.  Last week we learned they were selling gold which is a sign they may be about ready to collapse.  Next we learned that the god-man leader executed his uncle and is purging his leadership. 

So what has the crazy kingdom learned to do when strapped for cash??  Simple...blow up another nuke and then blackmail the rest of the world who will offer them CASH and/or food if they quit testing nukes.

It appears things might be right on schedule for that to happen again.

North Korea 'preparing to carry out new nuclear test'

North Koreans pledged their allegiance to Kim Jong-un on Tuesday, the second anniversary of the death of his father, as South Korea warned Pyongyang could be preparing to carry out a fourth nuclear test and launch a long-range rocket.
Cho Won-jin, a senior member of South Korea's parliamentary intelligence committee and the ruling Saenuri Party, said on Tuesday that the North is attempting to shift the attention of its citizens away from the execution of Jang Song-thaek, his uncle and mentor, and to play up external threats to the nation.

A new nuclear test and the successful launch of a rocket would also serve to enhance the image and prestige of the young dictator as the nation marks two years since Kim Jong-il's sudden death.
North Korea has already conducted three underground nuclear tests, the most recent in February.

Analysts believe that nuclear engineers attempting to miniaturise a warhead so that it can be fitted to a ballistic missile have made good progress in the last 12 months, but still need to carry out at least one more test.

The latest warnings come just weeks after Baek Seung-joo, the South Korean vice-defence minister, told parliament that the North is ready to conduct a nuclear test at its Punggye-ri proving ground, in the north-east of the peninsula, at any time.
On Monday, Park Guen-hye, the South Korean president, ordered her government to be prepared for all possible contingencies and to remain vigilant as the North could attempt "reckless provocations."


So what is the world going to do to try and maintain PEACE with this whack-job?  Do you recall that he sentenced people to death and/or concentration camp, slave labor because they didn't seem to be crying hard enough when his father died??

This dude is insane!!  He actually believes he is a god...and DEMANDS worship or you will be killed!

How do you negotiate with a person who believes he is a god?  Who among us wants to have another war on the Korean Peninsula?  Can America afford to wipe this guy out?  What would become of the North Koreans even if we did take him out with a drone missile?  Many can't read, many are malnourished and terribly would they melt into the 21st century?  Does China want a bunch of North Koreans coming onto their property and messing up their stuff?

Tough questions for a very tough time.

I'm sure glad that God sits on his throne and has it ALL UNDER CONTROL.  If only our leaders would humble themselves and seek His face....

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