
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Blood Moons and Signs in the Sky

The Bible is clear that the great and terrible Day of The Lord will be accompanied by signs in the sky.

Pastor John Hagee has a new book out that discusses the Blood Moons that will be coming in 2014-2015.  There are some interesting 'coincidences' that seem to surround Israel/Jews whenever these blood moons show themselves.

I am certainly no expert on this, but my curiosity is I will continue to watch for news on what all this chatter is about.

Today I stumbled upon this site that may serve to at least awaken some to the discussion.

The Prophecy of the Blood Moon Tetrads
When major astronomical and heavenly events take place it has been natural to turn to the Bible for validation since Jesus Christ himself said, referring to the days before His second coming:

“And there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven”.....“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars . . .” Luke 21: 11, 25.
However there are specific references that focus on the moon looking "blood red" in the lead up to the great and terrible Day of the Lord and it is for this reason that the prophecy of the Blood Moon Tetrads is causing a ripple across the bible community.

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD” Joel 2:31

“I look when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood” Revelation.6:12
Blood Moons are when the moon appears red due to lunar eclipses. They occur when the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon (see top part of image below). The Earth's shadow blocks the sun’s light, which would normally reflect off the moon. The delicate layer of dusty air surrounding our planet reddens and redirects the light of the sun, filling the dark behind the Earth with a sunset-red glow. This is in contrast to a solar eclipse where the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun causing darkness (see bottom part of image below).
Blood Moon lunar eclipses have happened continuously throughout history, but a Blood Moon Tetrad is when 4 consecutive total lunar eclipses occur on a Jewish Holy Feast day. There have only been 7 Blood Moon Tetrads between Jesus Christ's first coming and 2013, and every time they happened it has been proven that there was some significant event which impacted upon the Jewish people within a year of the first or last eclipse of the tetrad.
The only time during this Millennium (2000 AD - 3000 AD) that a Blood Moon Tetrad will take place is the year 2014-2015. A growing group of researchers believe something significant is going to happen in 2014 and 2015 which will involve Israel and the world. This has set off a chain reaction of debate and discussion about this event.
Let me be clear that NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR, but the Bible is full of patterns and examples.  Could this be one of them??
It is interesting to ponder....
No doubt it is getting harder and harder to dismiss ALL OF THE events that seem to be happening all at the same time.  With that being said, I will not be surprised if God does something really big.  We have had plenty of signs that tell us to 'wake up' and 'sober up'.
"But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief."  1 Thessalonians 5:4


  1. I would recommend steering clear of John Hagee.

    Famous Hagee quotes:

    “The [Jewish] people wanted Jesus to be their Messiah, but Jesus absolutely refused. The Jews were not rejecting Jesus as Messiah, it was Jesus who was refusing to be the Messiah to the Jews!”

    “The law of Moses is sufficient enough to bring a person into the knowledge of God until God gives him a greater revelation. And God has not.”

    “If God blinded the Jewish people to the identity of Jesus as Messiah, how could He send them to hell for not seeing what he had forbidden them to see?”

    "Trying to convert Jews [to Christianity] is a waste of time.”

    "Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus. But not Jews. Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced with Christianity."

    “The Jewish people have a relationship to God through the law of God as given through Moses. I believe that every Gentile person can only come to God through the cross of Christ. I believe that every Jewish person who lives in the light of the Torah, which is the word of God, has a relationship with God and will come to redemption."

    “We want you to recognize that Iran is a clear and present danger to the United States of America and Israel. And… that it’s time for our country to consider a military preemptive strike against Iran if they will not yield to diplomacy.” John Hagee, Christians United for Israel, July 17, 2007.

  2. I agree that we all need to test EVERYTHING that ANYONE says against do so is a biblical directive.

    Pastor Hagee isn't the only one talking about the blood moons, I just happened to see that he has a book out on it and I have NOT read the book but saw a brief interview of him regarding it.

    You can start looking at lots of different sources for info on YouTube and even if you google "blood moons Israel' or "tetrad" you should come up with lots of interesting info.

    Again, no man knows the day or hour but these 'coincidences' of blood moons and Israel are very interesting...especially if one doesn't believe in 'coincidences'.

    And yes, I do remember when Hagee got into hot water for saying that Jews might have some other way to Christ. Hopefully he has backpedaled or recanted on that.

    I hope that EVERYTHING we ever say that isn't perfect won't disallow any of us from ever commenting or writing on other biblical topics...otherwise I'm quite sure there could never be ANY pastors or preachers.

    So while Hagee may be wrong on his Jewish comments, that doesn't mean he may not be accurate in pointing out this 'coincidence' regarding blood moons.

  3. Per your suggestion, this is what I found on YouTube, but it totally dismantles the prophetic Blood Moons hysteria. (Berean Bible Church)

    BTW, I heard Joel Osteen say almost the exact same thing as you ("I hope that EVERYTHING we ever say that isn't perfect won't disallow any of us from ever commenting or writing on other biblical topics...otherwise I'm quite sure there could never be ANY pastors or preachers."). So, you are in good company. Thanks.

  4. Thanks Anonymous,
    I will look at the links on Youtube.

    Glad to hear you have a direct link with God and believe yourself to speak perfectly on biblical topics.

    "Pride goes before the fall."

    Sounds like you are in good company with lots of other false teachers too...the ones who believe they have it all figured out. Thanks.
