
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Blood Moons Part II

I just did a post a few hours ago on the blood moons.  When I was done posting it I checked my email and received a note from a reader who lives a few hours drive from me.  In the note he had a link to a video and the video is talking about the blood moons and also the many "coincidences" that surround all the talk of peace happening in Israel, the Jewish Feasts and the blood moons. ( that a coincidence too?)

I very much think this video is worth your 14 minutes as I think the author does a very good job pasting together the significance of all the happenings going on and he does so in a very logical way.

In the video he makes an interesting case for the 70th Week of Daniel starting sometime soon (2014)....maybe in conjunction with the appearance of the blood moons.

Watch it here;

As we just said in the previous posting, NO MAN KNOWS the DAY OR HOUR of our Lord's return.  The Bible says he will come like a thief in the night...BUT...for those who are watching and expecting Him to come soon, they will not be surprised by the thief.

Also, if you haven't connected the dots yet, remember that the rapture of the church happens BEFORE the 70th Week of Daniel what if this video is onto something?  What if God has given us clear signs so we WON'T BE SURPRISED...and what if The Church, the Bride of Christ, only has a few more days, weeks or months before the Trumpet blows and we are all called into the air to meet Christ?  Are we ready for that day??  Are we excited for the Master to return??  Are we ready for him to check our work??

Even if these blood moon signs come and go, please remember TIME IS SHORT for all of us.  It is only a MIST and then we are gone.  Let's urge each other on and strive for the finish line!  The line is in sight and the Master's directions are will go WELL for those who are found working when the Master returns.  So work with the gifts The Lord has given you and be about the Master's work in the time we have left....however much time that might be.

Come Lord Jesus!!

Hat tip to Ron G.

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