
Monday, December 30, 2013

"Global Warming" Is Making the Earth Cold

It's always been true, but seems even more so today....if you DON'T have a biblical worldview you will succumb to foolishness.  This is a fulfillment of the prophesies in Isaiah about the wise being made foolish and the intelligent being frustrated.

A friend in CA caught this little blurb in his local paper.

New research finds that while the rate of surface warming of the planet due to climate change has slowed since 1998, the effects of warming are still advancing at a rapid pace.

Climate researchers from the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research say it is a myth that global warming has paused, owing to solid evidence that the world’s oceans are now absorbing more than 90 percent of the excess heating of the planet.
Researcher Kevin Trenberth estimates that the oceans are accumulating heat equivalent to about 6 Hiroshima atomic bomb detonations per second on average.

Warming of the planet due to greenhouse emissions is still melting glaciers and ice caps, lifting ocean levels and creating some of the hottest periods on record around the planet.
Writing in the American Geophysical Union open-access journal Earth’s Future, Trenberth and colleague John Fasullo say that “global warming has not stopped; it is merely manifested in different ways.”

Greenhouse gas emissions continue to surge from polluting industry and transportation, setting the stage for even more intense warming in the decades ahead, researchers warn.


So, to recap....even though we have just suffered through one of the coldest Decembers EVER and ice is building on the South Pole at the fastest rate EVER and the earth hasn't warmed since 1998...we are still supposed to be terrified by global warming.

"Ignore the freezing is simply more evidence of global warming!"

Wow...that is foolish and frustrating.

Of course many believe that the push behind this global warming fervor is an attempt to draw the world ever closer into forming a one-world-government...and it may start with a 'global-climate-board' who will be tasked on making laws that all of the nations of the world will be forced to follow.

Hat tip to James L.

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