
Monday, December 30, 2013

Could Pope be "Modern Day Jesus"?

This new Pope is troubling in a variety of ways.  The number one way is how the "world" seems to be embracing him.  Even some atheists I know think he's pretty cool...and Time Magazine held him up as the Person of the Year!

Jesus said that we should expect the world to hate us, because it hated Him first. 

So what's up with this Pope?  Many are wondering if he COULD be part of the Last Days coalition that will usher in the one-world-religion where everyone will be forced to bow to Satan.

Could Pope Francis be a modern-day Jesus? Francis delivered the traditional “Urbi et Orbi” speech, which in Latin is interpreted as “to the city and to the world,” offering a message of hope and love for a better world. His Christmas wish included a prayer for Christians under attack, trafficked children, battered women, peace in Africa and the Middle East and more.

The pope’s speech was delivered from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica. Francis spoke a message of love, hope and peace to a cheering crowd of at least 70,000 Romans, pilgrims and tourists. In this speech, which was the pope’s first Christmas message since being elected pontiff, he said he was joining all who are hoping for a better world and cares for others.

The 77-year-old pope is seeking to connect the world in a place of peace and non-violence. Jesus also preached a message of hope to a dying world but it often seems that Christians would rather focus on areas of division instead of celebrating the things which push for unity. People who are mature and secure often conclude it’s better to agree to disagree rather than fall out.

The pope has often been criticized for his message of inclusion which seeks to offer love instead of judgment and peace instead of a sword. Jesus suffered much of the same persecution; he sought to unify as oppose to the harsh division that existed before his arrival.

The Argentine pope solicited a moment of silent prayer for Christians who are subjected to any type of violence and have been accused unjustly. Francis said that Christians are being persecuted, not only in countries that don’t allow full religious freedom, but also in places where religious freedom and human rights are “supposedly” protected.

Even though the pope didn’t go into details outlining the countries he referenced it has become common knowledge that the Vatican has made multiple attempts to persuade Saudi Arabia, one of Islam’s holiest places, to release the ban that forbids Christians to worship in public.

This year alone there have been multiple incidents of attacks and intolerance against minority Christians in places such as Nigeria, Indonesia, Egypt, Iraq and Sudan; along with other countries where the law guarantees their rights of religious freedom.

Pope Francis, in the spirit of Jesus Christ, said in a world that is civilized, injustice must be eliminated and denounced. He prayed that this Christmas season would allow an experience of faith and love that shines worldwide.


Did you catch this?!?! 

"The pope has often been criticized for his message of inclusion which seeks to offer love instead of judgment and peace instead of a sword."

I'm just gonna take a wild guess here and say that LIBERTY VOICE (Boldly Inclusive) has NO IDEA that they just contradicted a verse spoken by Jesus!!  "I didn't come to bring peace, but a sword."

So yes, the Pope should be criticized if he starts to contradict the words of Jesus and the words of the Bible.

The fact that LIBERTY VOICE chose to use those words of "peace instead of a sword" is so strange that I am going to file this one in the "You can't make that up!" file.

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