
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Putin Wants Saudi Arabia "Destroyed"

Have you guys seen the suicide bombings that recently happened in Russia? 

Of course we don't even have to look them up to know that Muslims of some stripe are behind them....but which Muslims?  And why?  What has Russia done against Muhammad and Allah?  And what does Saudi Arabia have against Russia??

A grim memorandum circulating in the Kremlin today written by Federal Security Services (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov outlining the new security measures being put into place throughout Russia ordered by President Putin a few hours ago in response to the deadly Volgograd terror attacks further warns that Russia’s leader has, in effect, vowed to “destroy” Saudi Arabia as he personally is blaming them for this horrific crime against humanity.

Of the terror attacks themselves, Russian Deputy Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Stepanov is reporting to the Kremlin that the two Volgograd explosions have hurt 104 people, of which 32 were killed.
Volgograd (formerly known as Stalingrad) is located 650 kilometers (400 miles) from Sochi which is the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics, and the twin explosions hit a crowed trolleybus and train station.
This FSB memo reports that the trolleybus suicide bomber has been identified as Pavel Pechyonkin [photo 2nd left], born in the Mari El region and who joined resistance forces in 2012.
According to this FSB information, Pechyonkin, aged 32, is a former paramedic. In 2012, he joined the bandit underground, having left a note for his mother on his lap topcomputer. Pechyonkin has since communicated with his parents two or three times via the Internet.
Of particular concern about Pechyonkin for Putin, this memo continues, was this suicide bombers location this past year which the FSB confirms was in Islamic rebel held territories of Syria controlled and funded by Saudi Arabia.
Critical to note, and as we had reported on in our 27 August report Putin Orders Massive Strike Against Saudi Arabia If West Attacks Syria, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, this past August, secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria.
When Putin refused Prince Bander’s “offer,” however, and as reported by London’s Telegraph News Service, this Saudi Prince stated to Putin, “I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”
Holy kingdom against kingdom!!!  If this is all true this is quite a story and CERTAINLY adds to the intrigue as these Last Days play out.
Please keep in mind that Ezekiel 38 says a coalition made up of Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya-Tunisia, Ethiopia-Somalia-Sudan will one day gather to destroy Israel...and Saudi Arabia HATES Iran.  In fact they may have already bought nuclear weapons from Pakistan as they continue to build their strength against a nuclear Iran.
So isn't it interesting that Iran hates Saudi Arabia and now Russia hates Saudi Arabia too??  Hmmm....I wonder how Turkey feels about Saudi Arabia?
Can you imagine the turmoil that will take place if a major Muslim attack were to happen during the Olympics next month held in Russia?
Can you imagine the embarrassment and anger and need for revenge that such an attack could breed in Czar Putin??  Could Putin one day fill the shoes of Gog of Magog mentioned in Ezekiel 38?
This is all very interesting.  The world is certainly on edge already and many are wondering what types of triggers would need to be pulled to get the world to fall off the edge....I wonder if another trigger just came further into focus??

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