
Saturday, January 25, 2014

100,000 Bats Drop From the Sky

This news actually came out a few weeks ago, but somehow I missed it.

It turns out that while we folks in North America are suffering through the coldest winter EVER....our friends in Australia are suffering through their hottest summer EVER.

"HOW HOT IS IT??", you ask?

Well, it's so hot that thousands of bats are literally falling from the sky...dead.  The stench of dead bats, decaying in the sun is becoming intolerable in some locations.

(NEWSER) – As the US emerged from that whole "polar vortex," Australia saw an intense heatwave last weekend—leading to the deaths of 100,000 bats, many of which reportedly dropped from the sky. In one video that went viral, a man filmed what he estimated to be more than 1,000 bat carcasses in his backyard, the Guardian reports. "The heatwave was basically a catastrophe for all the bat colonies in southeast Queensland," a rep for the RSPCA tells Australia's ABC News, noting that mass deaths were reported at 25 colonies. Bats are fragile and can't withstand temperatures above 109 degrees, a conservation worker explains. (Queensland's Brisbane got as hot as 106 on Saturday, notes ABC News.)
"They just fall," she says. "It's a horrible, cruel way to die." Another problem: The stench from the bodies is bothering locals. In one area, residents say they've had to live with the smell for days; in others, teams of trash collectors have been put together by regional councils to clean up the carcasses. In addition to those that fell to the ground, hundreds of bodies are still in trees and bushes, and maggots have already set in. As if all that isn't enough, at least 16 people have had to undergo anti-viral treatment after getting scratched or otherwise coming into close contact with a bat.
So this is the most dead bats EVER recorded....during the hottest summer EVER recorded.
Hmmm.....I guess we will file this strange story under "EARTH IS GROANING".

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