
Friday, January 24, 2014

Is the 12th Imam Already Here?

Let me start out by clearly saying that I DON'T KNOW IF OBAMA COULD ONE DAY BE THE ANTICHRIST.

Now that I have said that, let's go on to talk again about the 12th Imam.  I have blogged about him before but a quick refresher;  Many Shiite Muslims believe that a little boy got taken by Allah some 900 years ago and put into a well sometime around Muhammad's funeral.  That little boy will return in the END OF DAYS during times of great chaos and will kill all the non-Muslims and then be a leader of the world.

Of course that is interesting in that the Bible describes the Antichrist with a lot of the same characteristics as Muslim prophecy describes the 12th Imam....also called the Mahdi.

Could the Muslims be willing to one day accept the Antichrist because he fulfills much of what they are looking for in the Mahdi?

With that as a short background, I ran across this description of attributes that the Mahdi would possess.

He is half black, half white. He is tall and strides with a lope. He possesses dead eyes and prominent ears. His background is both obscure and exotic. He is persuasively eloquent and is adept at saying one thing while doing another. His head swivels from side to side when addressing the multitudes, as if reading from prepared texts no doubt lowered from on high and inscribed by the Lord or one of his angels. He gives the distinct impression of being a man-child. He is supremely confident and exudes a certain boyish charm many find irresistible. He is devoted to popular sports involving holes and nets as emblems of ensnaring. He bows frequently in false humility, cajoling the high and mighty of the earth, yet brooks no objection to his will when dissent is offered. He is to be found in many different places from one day to another. He is surrounded by loyal minions, many of whom appear to be imbeciles, who do his bidding without question or scruple. He occupies the seat of power.
Let me be very clear about this, for there are those who cannot bring themselves to confront the evidence of the Twelfth Imam’s uncloaking that I, privy to the discovery of the mystical codex through means I am forbidden to reveal, now set before them. All his actions are directed toward igniting the flames that wait to engulf the world. He diligently undermines the laws, security and prosperity of the people he ostensibly represents, and turns one against the other, sowing discord among the populace. He betrays his friends and allies and renders them vulnerable to international predators. He sponsors and supports warlike groups and aggressive regimes that seek world hegemony. He is an undeclared enemy of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. He is a great friend to Islam in its march toward imposing a caliphate upon unsuspecting nations. He welcomes the black flag and the yellow flag into the sanctum of domestic authority, distributing office among his Muslim acolytes. He smiles upon the ayatollahs and signs agreements that facilitate their holy designs to kindle universal violence and establish God’s kingdom on earth.
He has been schooled at the feet of prophets and sages and learned from the masters of canon and creed. He is the repository of sacred teachings and potent incantations, and is adept at uttering sonorous phrases that please as they befuddle. He is the embodiment of consecrated, numinous and venerable doctrine. He is no longer Hidden but exults among us in all his glory. He is the bringer of chaos and the last days. He will inaugurate a new world order.
Doubters and skeptics must give way. The Twelfth Imam has returned, confirmed in his exaltation by innumerable tokens and crests and auguries. Devastation will precede him and resurrection will surely follow in his wake. The infidel shall be destroyed, destroyed utterly, and the believer shall rise from the smoldering ruins in triumph and gladness of heart. All this shall come to pass for it is written.
He is the Mahdi.


Of course if this is true, it sure seems to describe President Obama in a whole lot of detail!!

Here is the link for page one of this article that claims this description of the Mahdi comes from a museum in Tehran;

Here is what it says;
* Labelled the Arak Codex #190001, this document reposes in the Inscriptions Department of the Malik National Museum of Iran in Tehran.  

Again, I have no idea if this is all true....but the headline and description caught my eye so I decided to put it out there and let you guys be Bereans.  Has anyone see this Arak Codex on their last visit to Tehran?  : )

What do you think??  How many reasons can you give FOR Obama one day being the Mahdi and the Antichrist?  How many biblical reasons can you come up with for Obama NOT being the Antichrist?

But what if he is.....and right now he has dispatched his imbecile, John Kerry, to Israel to cook a peace agreement??

What if the rapture happens tonight and in about 3 months, after the smoke has cleared, Obama shows up in Israel to hold the hands of the Jewish leaders and sign a peace agreement with them and all their Arab/Muslim neighbors??

Remember, Paul was VERY clear that the Antichrist would not be revealed until AFTER the Restrainer has been removed...which most folks believe to the The Church of true Christ followers.

Could it be?????

Follow up;  Here is the English link to the Malik Museum in maybe some of you can figure out how to find the Codex and either confirm or deny what it says.


  1. OK, that's interesting, A bit too convenient for my tastes. I doubt the origin. I might have written it. Of course you know what else I don't agree with... but that's another story. I hope we can verify or properly discount this. Obama is not a good man, that much is clear. But... this is like so much that has come out since he was elected.

  2. Hey Gene,
    it should be pretty easy to research and hoping some of my readers do look into it.

    What if it does turn out to be true? Would that change your theology and eschatology?

    Here is another link where I got the link speaking of the Codex. Of course this link/article means NOTHING as to the veracity of the Codex.

  3. I did read the Rapture Ready article. HMMM. Not convincing. Would this be true (which I doubt) would it change my theology or eschatology? Probably not. The devil is a liar and can fabricate prophetic utterance. I know, I am accused of such. BUT... if this were true... it would be by me considered to be once more a long deep cycle. Could the same not be said of the Mede Salidain?
