
Friday, January 17, 2014

7 Years and Then 7 Years

Remember the story of Joseph in Egypt??  The Lord clearly told him that he would have 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of drought.  Joseph then new to save up tons of food during the first 7 years because there would be misery the following 7.

Lots of 7's in that Bible story.

So this article today kind of caught my attention.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 (UPI) -- The International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde said in Washington Wednesday she's hopeful the past seven tough years will give way to seven strong ones.

Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, Lagarde, the IMF's managing director, said while the economic "crisis still lingers," "optimism is in the air."

"My great hope is that 2014 will prove momentous in another way -- the year in which the 'seven weak years,' economically speaking, slide into 'seven strong years,'" she said.

"Is this wishful thinking? No, but it will not simply happen on its own. Getting beyond the crisis still requires a sustained and substantial policy effort, coordination and the right policy mix."

Lagarde said updated forecasts that are still being finalized indicate the global economic momentum that gathered in the second half of 2013 should strengthen further this year on the shoulders of the world's advanced economies.

However, she said, deflation poses a significant risk that "could prove disastrous for the recovery." the leader of the International Monetary Fund, no doubt operating from worldly principles vs. biblical ones, believes that our 7 bad years are going to be followed by 7 good ones!!

Holy upside down!!

Up is down, down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right.

Maybe this has nothing to do with anything, but I thought is was interesting all the same.

One thing for sure, the world's god is money so those of us who know the One True God should not put much credence in what the leader of the IMF says or does.

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